Note: This API has been forked from FlickrJ at Sourceforge.
This is a Java API which wraps the REST-based Flickr API.
Comments and questions should be sent to the GitHub Repo.
To use the API just construct an instance of the class
and request the interfaces which you need to work with.
For example, to send a test ping to the Flickr service:
String apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
Flickr f = new Flickr(apiKey);
TestInterface testInterface = f.getTestInterface();
Collection results = testInterface.echo(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
Please note: this library is not thread safe.
This API has been tested with JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.5. The default distribution is built with JDK 1.5 (it builds and runs fine under 1.6 and 1.7 too though).
An API key is required to use this API. You can request one on Flickr.
scribe-java (v.1.3.2) is also required for the OAuth functionality.
Download the latest version from bintray.
It's hosted on JCenter, you may need to download their settings.xml to get access to their repo.