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augustocristian committed Jul 30, 2024
1 parent 5a33418 commit a194d6c
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package com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.functional.test.llmexperimentation;

import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.common.BaseLoggedTest;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.common.CourseNavigationUtilities;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.common.ForumNavigationUtilities;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.common.NavigationUtilities;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.common.exception.ElementNotFoundException;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.utils.Click;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.utils.DOMManager;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.utils.ParameterLoader;
import com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.utils.Wait;
import giis.retorch.annotations.AccessMode;
import giis.retorch.annotations.Resource;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;

import static com.fullteaching.e2e.no_elastest.common.Constants.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

@DisplayName("E2E tests for FullTeaching Login Session")
class AViewEnrolledCoursesTest extends BaseLoggedTest {
protected final String courseName = "Pseudoscientific course for treating the evil eye";
protected final String[] months = {"January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
"October", "November", "December"};

public AViewEnrolledCoursesTest() {

public static Stream<Arguments> data() throws IOException {
return ParameterLoader.getTestUsers();

* This test get login and navigate to the courses zone checking if there are
* any courses. Second and go to the Pseudo... course accessing to the forum
* and looks if its enable.If It's enable, load all the entries and checks for
* someone that have comments on it.Finally, with the two previous conditions,
* makes an assertEquals() to ensure that both are accomplishment
@AccessMode(resID = "loginservice", concurrency = 10, sharing = true, accessMode = "READONLY")
@AccessMode(resID = "openvidumock", concurrency = 10, sharing = true, accessMode = "NOACCESS")
@AccessMode(resID = "forum", concurrency = 10, sharing = true, accessMode = "READONLY")
@AccessMode(resID = "executor", concurrency = 1, accessMode = "READWRITE")
@AccessMode(resID = "webbrowser", concurrency = 1, accessMode = "READWRITE")
@AccessMode(resID = "webserver", concurrency = 1, accessMode = "READWRITE")
void forumLoadEntriesOriginalTest(String mail, String password, String role) {
this.slowLogin(user, mail, password);
try {
//navigate to courses.
List<String> courses = CourseNavigationUtilities.getCoursesList(driver);
assertTrue(courses.size() > 0, "No courses in the list");
//find course with forum activated
boolean activated_forum_on_some_test = false;
boolean has_comments = false;
for (String course_name : courses) {
//go to each of the courses
WebElement course = CourseNavigationUtilities.getCourseByName(driver, course_name);
Wait.notTooMuch(driver).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(;"Navigating to the forum and checking if its enabled");
//go to forum tab to check if enabled:
//load forum
CourseNavigationUtilities.go2Tab(driver, FORUM_ICON);
if (ForumNavigationUtilities.isForumEnabled(CourseNavigationUtilities.getTabContent(driver, FORUM_ICON))) {
activated_forum_on_some_test = true;"Loading the entries list");
//Load list of entries
List<String> entries_list = ForumNavigationUtilities.getFullEntryList(driver);
if (entries_list.size() > 0) {
//Go into first entry
for (String entry_name : entries_list) {"Checking the entry with name: {}", entry_name);
WebElement entry = ForumNavigationUtilities.getEntry(driver, entry_name);
Click.element(driver, entry.findElement(FORUM_ENTRY_LIST_ENTRY_TITLE));
//Load comments
List<WebElement> comments = ForumNavigationUtilities.getComments(driver);"Checking if the entry has comments");
if (comments.size() > 0) {
has_comments = true;"Comments found, saving them");

ForumNavigationUtilities.getUserComments(driver, userName);
}//else go to next entry
Click.element(driver, DOMManager.getParent(driver, driver.findElement(BACK_TO_ENTRIES_LIST_ICON)));
}//(else) if no entries go to next course
}//(else) if forum no active go to next course"Returning to the main dashboard");
driver = Click.element(driver, BACK_TO_DASHBOARD);
assertTrue((activated_forum_on_some_test && has_comments), "There isn't any forum that can be used to test this [Or not activated or no entry lists or not comments]");
} catch (ElementNotFoundException notFoundException) {
fail("Failed to navigate to courses forum:: " + notFoundException.getClass() + ": " + notFoundException.getLocalizedMessage());
void viewEnrolledCoursesFS4oTest(String mail, String password, String role) {
// Step 1: User logs into the application
this.slowLogin(user, mail, password);

// Step 2: User navigates to the dashboard
try {
if (NavigationUtilities.amINotHere(driver, COURSES_URL.replace("__HOST__", HOST))) {

// Step 3: System displays a list of courses the user is enrolled in
List<WebElement> courses = driver.findElements(By.className("course-item"));

// Expected Output: The dashboard shows a list of courses the user is enrolled in
assertTrue(courses.size() > 0, "No enrolled courses found for the user");

} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Failed to view enrolled courses: " + e.getClass() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());

// Teardown: Navigate to the main page to logout
void viewEnrolledCoursesCOT4oTest() {
// Setup
String email = "[email protected]";
String password = "password";
String[] expectedCourses = {"Course 1", "Course 2", "Course 3"};

// Login
this.slowLogin(user, email, password);

// Verify Dashboard
try {
// Wait for the dashboard to load

// Get the list of enrolled courses
List<WebElement> courses = driver.findElements(By.className("course-title"));

// Verify the number of courses
assertEquals(expectedCourses.length, courses.size(), "Number of enrolled courses does not match");

// Verify the course titles
for (int i = 0; i < expectedCourses.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expectedCourses[i], courses.get(i).getText(), "Course title does not match");

} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Failed to verify enrolled courses: " + e.getClass() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());

// Teardown
@AccessMode(resID = "loginservice", concurrency = 10, sharing = true, accessMode = "READONLY")
@AccessMode(resID = "course", concurrency = 15, sharing = true, accessMode = "READONLY")
@AccessMode(resID = "executor", concurrency = 1, accessMode = "READWRITE")
@AccessMode(resID = "webbrowser", concurrency = 1, accessMode = "READWRITE")
@AccessMode(resID = "webserver", concurrency = 1, accessMode = "READWRITE")
void viewEnrolledCoursesFS4oMiniTest(String mail, String password, String role) {
// Setup: User logs into the application
this.slowLogin(user, mail, password);

// Navigate to the dashboard

// Wait for the courses list to be visible

// Verify that the dashboard shows a list of courses the user is enrolled in
List<WebElement> enrolledCourses = driver.findElements(By.className("course-title"));
assertFalse(enrolledCourses.isEmpty(), "The enrolled courses list should not be empty.");

// Optionally, you can check for specific course titles if known
// assertTrue( -> course.getText().equals("Expected Course Title")), "Expected course is not found in the enrolled courses list.");

// Teardown: Navigate back to the main page or logout
void viewEnrolledCoursesCOT4oMiniTest() {
// Setup: Log in to the application
String email = "[email protected]"; // Replace with actual test user email
String password = "password"; // Replace with actual test user password
this.slowLogin(user, email, password);

// Navigation: Navigate to the dashboard

// Verification: Check that the system displays a list of enrolled courses
List<WebElement> enrolledCourses = driver.findElements(By.className("enrolled-course")); // Replace with actual class name for enrolled courses
Assertions.assertFalse(enrolledCourses.isEmpty(), "The enrolled courses list should not be empty.");

// Optionally, validate the content of the enrolled courses
for (WebElement course : enrolledCourses) {
String courseTitle = course.getText(); // Assuming the course title is displayed as text
Assertions.assertNotNull(courseTitle, "Course title should not be null.");
// Add more assertions as needed to validate course details

// Teardown: Log out of the application
NavigationUtilities.logout(driver); // Replace with actual logout method


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