This repository contains a set of components to generate Full Predicate Coverage Rules and SQL Mutants to assess the coverage of the test data in relation to a query and load test data:
- Discover the data store schema from an OpenApi specification (tdrules-client-oa) or from a JDBC connection to a relational database.
- Generate the FPC Rules and SQL Mutants (TdRules Service).
- Load test data (tdrules-store-loader) through a REST API or a JDBC connection.
- Available for Java 8 and higher, and .NET.
NOTE: The name TdRules (Test Data Rules) is replacing the former SQLRules to enable generation of rules for data stores other than relational databases.
On Java, include the client API dependencies tdrules-client and either tdrules-client-oa or tdrules-client-rdb that are available in Maven Central. A bom is also available: tdrules-bom.
On .NET, include the
package TdRules available in NuGet.
Example: To generate the FPC Rules for a query (query
that executes against
an OpenApi schema specification indicated by file or url (spec
or a relational database that can be reached by an open JDBC Connection (conn
you first get the data store schema model and then the rules model as follows:
Java (OpenApi)
TdSchema schemaModel = new OaSchemaApi(spec).getSchema();
TdRules rulesModel = new TdRulesApi().getRules(schemaModel, query, "");
Java (RDB)
TdSchema schemaModel = new DbSchemaApi(conn).getSchema();
TdRules rulesModel = new TdRulesApi().getRules(schemaModel, query, "");
.NET (RDB only)
TdSchema schemaModel = new DbSchemaApi(conn).GetSchema();
TdRules rulesModel = new TdRulesApi().GetRules(schemaModel, query, "");
Other languages
You still can generate the API client to get the rules from other languages using the Open API Generator. The API description of TdRules can be found online here.
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Modules/folders currently available in this repo are:
: The bill of materials of all TdRules components.tdrules-client
: Client API to generate FPC Rules and SQL Mutants.tdrules-model
: Models of the FPC Rules, SQL Mutants and the data store schema.tdrules-client-oa
: Client API to generate the data store schema from an OpenApi specification.tdrules-client-rdb
: Client API to generate the data store schema from a live JDBC connection.tdrules-store-rdb
: Core component used to discover the schema of relational databases.tdrules-store-shared
: Shared components for all data stores.tdrules-store-loader
: Load test data through a REST API or a JDBC connection.setup
: A folder with the configuration of test database containers to use in your development
: A folder with the source of the .NET implementation.
flowchart TD
client(client) ---> model(model)
clientoa(client-oa) ---> model
clientrdb(client-rdb) --> model
clientrdb --> storerdb(store-rdb)
storerdb --> storeshared(store-shared)
storeloader(store-loader) ---> model
storeloader ---> storeshared
To set-up the test database containers in a local development environment, see the setup
- The Java implementation of the relational database dependent modules has been tested with PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle.
- The .NET implementation has been tested with SQLServer.
FPC Rules and SQL Mutants:
- Javier Tuya, Mª José Suárez-Cabal and Claudio de la Riva. Full predicate coverage for testing SQL database queries. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 20 (3) 237-288, September 2010.
- Javier Tuya, Mª José Suárez-Cabal, Claudio de la Riva. Mutating database queries. Information and Software Technology, 49(4) 398-417, April 2007.
Using the rules to generate and reduce test databases:
- J. Tuya, C. de la Riva, M.J. Suárez-Cabal, R. Blanco. Coverage-Aware Test Database Reduction. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 42 (10) 941-959, October 2016.
- M.J. Suárez-Cabal, C. de la Riva, J. Tuya, R. Blanco. Incremental test data generation for database queries. Automated Software Engineering, 24(4) 719-755, December 2017.