Campus Map React-native mobile application project for Mini-capstone course (SOEN 390) at Concordia University. The purpose of this application is to provide directions to whoever needs them in order to navigate in and around Concordia University's Campuses.
Link to interactive prototype:
Clone the repository
install Node.js
install expo cli on your machine from your command line
yarn add global expo-cli
install dependencies
yarn install
Install expo on your phone from your native mobile store
android: IOS:" -
start app (see package.json scripts)
expo start
Wait about 2 minuites to make sure the localhost is ready
Scan the QR code from the localhost by using the expo application from your phone
Wait for the application to compile and it should be running
Incase of any interruptions from the localhost, restart the expo application from your mobile device
OR/AND choose 'Tunnel' instead of 'LAN' as the connection from the expo browser