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RedFantom edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the simple-ocr-opencv wiki!

This repository aims to provide a set of OCR functions based upon OpenCV for learning purposes and usage in programs where other OCR engines are not an option. This OCR engine is not as well-tested as other engines such as Tesseract, and therefore we do not recommend this engine as your first option. This engine was originally created as a learning project, and there may be some unexpected limitations.


This project depends upon the opencv-python library, but it can work with both versions 2 and 3 of OpenCV, as the version is checked before any version specific functions are called. The Travis-CI tests on OpenCV version 2. For more information on installing the dependencies project, check the dedicated page.

Bugs and issues

If you encounter any problems, please create an issue report in the issues tracker of this GitHub repository. Please include what version of OpenCV you are using and what operating system you are running, as this will help us pin down the problem.

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