video :
blog post :
2 parts :
- a minimal JS client app I developped to interact with subsonic
- js : javascript code
- api.js : all api calls (get playlist, get song info, ...)
- config.js : config stuff (such as login/password for subsonic, server location...)
- display.js : all code used for dispay
- utils.js : some utilitary functions
- main.js : main script
- css : some css adjustments
- img : no cover picture and background picture
- bootstrap-3.3.5-dist & jquery-1.11.3 : libs used by the JS app
- js : javascript code
- a python script I wrote to manage keypress (using pigpio lib, uinput module)
- python :
- install raspbian on sd card :
- install subsonic :
- don't forget to buy a licence, else api won't be accesible after 30 days
- go to subsonic web app (http://localhost:4040), log in with default user (admin/admin)
- set your media music direcory
- copy your songs on that directory (or use ui to upload it)
- 1 directory per song to be able to download the cover picture
- create a playlist "myjukebox" (or change that name in client app too), and your songs to that playlist
- install iceweasel browser : sudo apt-get install iceweasel
- install the python libs
- sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
- sudo pip3 install python-uinput
- sudo pip3 install evdev (I don't remember if it's still usefull in last version of the python buttons handler script)
- install pigpio
- wget
- unzip
- make
- sudo make install
- load uinput python module
- sudo modprobe uinput
- launche pigpio
- sudo pigpiod
- launche python script to handle buttons
- go to python directory of the cloned project
- sudo python3
- launch iceweasel and open index.html located at the root directory of the cloned project
- too long to explain here but nothing really complicated
- look at the pictures of my blog post and figure out yourself how to build :D (or get in touch)
- for wiring : have a look at the python script, you'll find buttons bcm gpio mappings (INSERT_COIN = 4, PREVIOUS = 17, ...)
- nb : you need to plug a mouse and keyboard
- buttons doesn't work
- did you enable numlock ?
- interact with the app with the keyboard (type h to get help on the keys) and log press event to js console, check if it corresponds to the one emited by the buttons in the python script
- Script to launch everything on startup (no need to plug a mouse or keyboard)
- Implement cheat codes to get 'free' songs (by pressing buttons sequence)
- Debug the jukebox shutdown (commented in the python script, a press for more than 5 seconds on stop should shutdown)
- Client app for Spotify and Deezer API
- Find a cool name for that project :D