Holzscheiter Anna (1,2), Bahr Thurid (2,3), Grandjean Martin (4), Pantzerhielm Laura (1,2).
- Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.
- Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Germany.
- Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
- Université de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Diachronic, inductive mapping of inter-organizational practices between eight major health international organisations (Gavi, the Global Fund, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank) for the time period 1970-2017 (extracted from annual reports).
To cite this data set:
HOLZSCHEITER Anna, BAHR Thurid, GRANDJEAN Martin and PANTZERHIELM Laura (2024). Inter-Organizational Practices in Global Health, Data set, https://github.com/global-health/data. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2587018
See also the ISQ Instruction File
> DATA 1 (data1.csv): CSV file with 77 columns (practices) and 44 lines (years)
> DATA 2 (data2.csv): CSV file with 8 columns (practices aggregated in groups) and 44 lines (years)
> DATA 3 (data3.csv): CSV file of the 1-mode network of IOs with 4 columns (source, target, year, weight) and 1021 lines (occurrences)
> DATA 4 (data4.csv): CSV file of the 2-mode network of IOs and practices with 4 columns (source, target, year, weight) and 2042 lines (occurrences)
> NETWORK 1 (network.gexf): GEXF (Gephi) file of the 2-mode network of IOs and practices (1027 nodes, 2038 edges, 20499 lines)
> DATA 5 (data5.xlsx): XLSX (Excel) file of the IN/OUT reporting of the IOs, 2 years intervals (In, Out, Balance)
> DATA 6 (data6.csv): CSV file of the type of practices reported by IOs and involving other IOs (source, target, value), encoded to produce a Sankey diagram
Publications using these data sets:
- BAHR Thurid, HOLZSCHEITER Anna and PANTZERHIELM Laura (2021). Understanding Regime Complexes through a Practice Lens, Global Governance, 27, 71-94. DOI 10.1163/19426720-02701005, https://brill.com/view/journals/gg/27/1/article-p71_4.xml
- HOLZCHEITER Anna, BAHR Thurid, PANTZERHIELM Laura and GRANDJEAN Martin (forthcoming). Positioning among International Organizations: Shifting Centers of Gravity in Global Health Governance, International Studies Quarterly.