UCI compatible chess engine. Also available as a lichess bot.
- Bitboard move generation
- Principal Variation search
- Quiscence search
- Transposition table w/ Zobrist Hashing
- Polyglot opening book support
- Multithreaded perft and search
- Pondering
- The lichess bot developers, for their project lichess-bot that made the lichess bot possible
- Fabien Letouzey and his Fruit engine, whose Polyglot probing code is used in this program
- The program is licensed under GPL-v2 to comply with Fruit 2.1's license
- The Leela Chess Zero developers for providing the time usage curve that is also used in this program
- H. G. Muller for documenting how Polyglot hashing works
- The algorithm he described is used in this program
- The Chess Programming Wiki whose documentation has helped greatly in the development of this program
- Ronald Friederich's RofChade engine for providing the piece location values used in the evaluation function
- vit-vit's CTPL library, which powers this program's multithreaded search function
- Monte Carlo Tree Search (for fun)
- Better time allocation algorithm