The production version of the application is accessible at:
For frontend-specific documentation and setup instructions, please refer to Movierama Frontend README.
To run the Spring Boot application, follow these steps:
- Java JDK 11 or higher installed
- Maven installed
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd movierama
Build the Project:
mvn clean install
Run the Application:
mvn spring-boot:run
Alternatively, you can run the generated JAR file:
Build the Project:
mvn clean install
Navigate to the Target Directory:
cd target
Run the JAR file:
java -jar movierama-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The application will start, and you should see output in the console indicating that the server is running. By default,
the application will run on http://localhost:8088
The application uses JPA with Hibernate and is designed to be database-agnostic, making it easy to switch between different database systems.
For development and production deployment, the application uses MariaDB. Ensure you have MariaDB running and the
appropriate database configurations set in
Tests are executed using an H2 in-memory database to ensure isolation and speed. The H2 database configurations for
tests are set in
Note: Before accessing the H2 console, make sure the application is running.
- Spring Boot: Framework for building robust Java applications.
- Spring Data JPA: Simplifies data access for relational databases.
- Spring Security: Provides authentication and authorization functionalities.
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens): For secure token-based authentication.
- H2 Database: In-memory database used for development and testing.
- Maven: Dependency management and build tool.
- JUnit & Mockito: For unit testing and mocking.
- MariaDB: Used for development and production deployments.
- H2 Database: Used for testing purposes with Spring Boot.
- JUnit: Framework for writing and running tests.
- Mockito: Mocking framework for unit tests.
- Flyway: Database migration tool for managing changes to the database schema.
- JaCoCo: Java Code Coverage tool for generating test coverage reports.
- Lombok: For reducing boilerplate code and generating getters, setters, etc.
- Swagger: API documentation and testing tool.
- Logback: Logging framework for logging and monitoring application events.
- Jackson: JSON processing library for converting Java objects to JSON and vice versa.
- Postman Collections: Included Postman collections for API testing and documentation.
- Swagger UI: Swagger API Documentation - Documentation and testing of API endpoints.
The MovieController
manages movie-related HTTP requests, providing a variety of API endpoints to interact with movies,
including saving, fetching, and voting.
- GET /public/movies
- Fetches a paginated list of movies.
- Optional query parameters for pagination, sorting, and filtering by user.
- POST /movies
- Saves a new movie.
- Requires a MovieRequest object in the request body.
- Returns the saved MovieResponse object.
- GET /movies/{movieId}
- Fetches a movie by its ID.
- Path variable movieId specifies the movie ID.
- Returns the MovieResponse object for the specified movie ID.
- PUT /movies/{movieId}
- Updates a movie by its ID.
- Path variable movieId specifies the movie ID.
- Returns the MovieResponse object for the updated movie ID.
- GET /public/movies
- Fetches a paginated list of movies.
- Optional query parameters for pagination, sorting, and filtering.
- Returns a Page containing the list of movies.
- GET /public/movies/owner/{ownerId}
- Fetches a paginated list of movies by owner.
- Path variable ownerId specifies the owner ID.
- Optional query parameters for pagination and sorting.
- Returns a Page containing the list of movies.
- PUT /movies/{movieId}/vote
- Votes (create or update vote) for a movie by its ID.
- Path variable movieId specifies the movie ID.
- Requires a VoteRequest object in the request body.
- Returns the updated MovieResponse object with the new vote.
- page: Specifies the page number for pagination.
- size: Specifies the number of items per page.
- user: Filters movies by user ID.
- sortField: Specifies the field to sort movies by (e.g., CREATED, LIKES).
- sortType: Specifies the sort direction (ASC or DESC).
- title: Filters movies by matching movies title with provided text.
The AuthenticationController
handles user authentication and registration.
POST /auth/register
- Description: Registers a new user.
- Request Body: RegistrationRequest with user details.
- Response: RegistrationResponse indicating registration status.
POST /auth/authenticate
- Description: Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token.
- Request Body: LoginRequest with email and password.
- Response: LoginResponse with authentication token or error message.
GET /auth/activate-account
- Description: Activates a user account using an activation code.
- Query Parameter: activation-code - Activation code sent to the user.
- Response: HTTP 200 OK upon successful activation.
The UserController
manages user-related HTTP requests.
- GET /user/votes
- Description: Fetches votes by the authenticated user.
- Response: Array of VoteResponse representing the user's votes.
- GET /user/info
- Description: Fetches authenticated user information.
- Response: UserResponse containing user details.
The VoteController
manages vote-related HTTP requests.
- POST /votes/movie/{movieId}
- Description: Votes for a movie.
- Path Variable: movieId - ID of the movie to vote for.
- Request Body: VoteRequest with the vote type (LIKE or HATE).
- Response: VoteResponse with the vote details.
The MovieSpecification
class provides specifications for filtering movies based on different criteria.
- withOwnerId(Long ownerId)
- Filters movies by owner ID when provided.
- If ownerId is null, the specification is ignored.
- withTitle(String title)
- Filters movies by matching movies title with provided text.
- If title is null, the specification is ignored.
The GlobalExceptionHandler
class handles global exceptions and maps them to appropriate HTTP responses.
- Exception Handling
- Handles various exceptions like InvalidTokenException, MovieramaGenericException, TokenExpiredException, etc.
- Returns custom error responses with error codes and descriptions.