Our Project title is “Hotel Management System (HMS)”. We tried out best to make the complicated process of the Hotel Management System as simple as possible using a structural & modular & menu oriented interface. We have tried to design the project in such a way that users may not have any difficulty using this package and further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though I cannot claim that this work is entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my exercise is to perform each employee's activity computerized way rather than manually which is time-consuming. I am confident that this software package can be readily used by non-programming personal avoiding a human-handled chance of error.
This project is used by two types of users: i. Online Users ii. Administrator
Online Users can view the hotel information, and see the articles and online users can register themselves to book any room.
The administrator can maintain daily updates on the hotel records. The administrator must be an authorized user. He/She can change the user id and password.
The main aim of the entire activity is to automate the process of day-to-day activities of hotels like Room activities, Admission of a new customer, Assigning a room according to the customer’s demand, check-out, check-in and finally computing the bill.