ba22083 bug: various skill fixes
cede058 bug: do not use skills when attack misses
b4ac898 bug: fix floating point damage
3c9e381 bug: devoted thrust rounding errors
31c4de3 bug: do not use up spell points when cancelling spell
257bf49 bug: do not reveal hazards if not seen yet
146df46 bug: secret doors in ascii mode were highlighted all the time
943ab0e bug: robot was never resting
3367559 bug: primal rage activation python error
8f8702e bug: mummy resurrection was causing a hang trying to resurrect an asp
5cd7ed9 bug: sword of duck summoning was summoning on swinging
a66ebd7 bug: level hang when dead things fall into the void
06b8751 bug: secret doors in ascii mode flash too fast when the mouse is moving
63493ab bug: secret door discovery fixes
4e27357 bug: monst damage needs to take account of num of attacks and speed
c4566f6 bug: staffs were not idle ticking
06a10be bug: various fireball staff bug fixes
10e92f5 bug: ascii gas offset fix
e04e4a0 bug: ascii laser was in the wrong position / fixing up staff damage
5348ff3 bug: error when inventory slots fills up
d0bf625 bug: ignore num lock for keys