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unlocked #1681

Workflow file for this run

name: unlocked
# pull_request: # save CI time on PRs, run manually if needed (before merge) or find out failures from scheduled run (after merge)
# nightly
- cron: '31 1 * * *' # 01:31 UTC, 02:31/03:31 Munich, 03:31/04:31 Tartu
# GitHub Actions load is high at minute 0, so avoid that
fail-fast: false
- ubuntu-latest
- macos-latest
- 5.0.x
- ocaml-variants.4.14.0+options,ocaml-option-flambda
- 4.14.x
- 4.13.x
- 4.12.x
- 4.10.x
- false
- true
- false
- os: ubuntu-latest
ocaml-compiler: 4.14.x
z3: true
- os: ubuntu-latest
ocaml-compiler: 5.0.0
apron: false
# customize name to use readable string for apron instead of just a boolean
# workaround for missing ternary operator:
name: regression (${{ matrix.os }}, ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}${{ matrix.apron && ', apron' || '' }}${{ matrix.z3 && ', z3' || '' }})
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up OCaml ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}
uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2
ocaml-compiler: ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: opam install . --deps-only --with-test
- name: Install Apron dependencies
if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: |
opam depext apron
opam install apron
- name: Install Z3 dependencies
if: ${{ matrix.z3 }}
run: |
opam depext z3
opam install z3
- name: Build
run: ./ nat
- name: Test regression
run: ./ headers testci
- name: Test apron regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: |
ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron -s
ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron2 -s
- name: Test apron octagon regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group octagon -s
- name: Test apron affeq regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group affeq -s
- name: Test apron regression (Mukherjee et. al SAS '17 paper') # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron-mukherjee -s
- name: Test apron termination regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group termination -s
- name: Test regression cram
run: opam exec -- dune runtest tests/regression
- name: Test incremental cram
run: opam exec -- dune runtest tests/incremental
- name: Test unit
run: opam exec -- dune runtest unittest
- name: Test marshal regression
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -m
- name: Test incremental regression
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -i
- name: Test incremental regression with cfg comparison
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -c
# use external 0install solver to downgrade:
# TODO: will be built in in opam 2.2:
fail-fast: false
- ubuntu-latest
- macos-latest
- ocaml-variants.4.14.0+options,ocaml-option-flambda # matches opam lock file, downgrade deps step
name: lower-bounds (${{ matrix.os }}, ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}, downgrade)
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL: unsafe-yes # allow opam depext to yes package manager prompts
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up OCaml ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}
uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2
ocaml-compiler: ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: opam install . --deps-only --with-test
- name: Install Apron dependencies
run: |
opam depext apron
opam install apron
- name: Build
if: ${{ false }}
run: ./ nat
- name: Install opam-0install
run: opam install opam-0install
- name: Downgrade dependencies
# must specify ocaml-base-compiler again to prevent it from being downgraded
# prevent num downgrade to avoid dune/jbuilder error:
run: opam install $(opam exec -- opam-0install --prefer-oldest goblint ocaml-variants.4.14.0+options ocaml-option-flambda num.1.4)
- name: Build
run: ./ nat
- name: Test regression
run: ./ headers testci
- name: Test apron regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
# if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: |
ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron -s
ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron2 -s
- name: Test apron octagon regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group octagon -s
- name: Test apron affeq regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group affeq -s
- name: Test apron regression (Mukherjee et. al SAS '17 paper') # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
# if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron-mukherjee -s
- name: Test regression cram
run: opam exec -- dune runtest tests/regression
- name: Test incremental cram
run: opam exec -- dune runtest tests/incremental
- name: Test unit
run: opam exec -- dune runtest unittest
- name: Test marshal regression
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -m
- name: Test incremental regression
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -i
- name: Test incremental regression with cfg comparison
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -c
# use builtin-0install solver to remove and downgrade, opam normally compiled without, Docker images have it compiled
if: ${{ false }}
name: lower-bounds (docker)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 # needed for GitHub Actions Cache in build-push-action
- name: Build dev Docker image
id: build
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: .
target: dev
load: true # load into docker instead of immediately pushing
tags: dev
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max # max mode caches all layers for multi-stage image
- name: Run opam downgrade and tests in dev Docker image
uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3
image: dev
run: |
OPAMCRITERIA=+removed,+count[version-lag,solution] OPAMEXTERNALSOLVER=builtin-0install opam-2.1 install . --deps-only --with-test --confirm-level=unsafe-yes
opam exec -- dune runtest
fail-fast: false
- ubuntu-latest
- macos-latest
- ocaml-variants.4.14.0+options,ocaml-option-flambda # matches opam lock file
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up OCaml ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}
uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2
ocaml-compiler: ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}
- name: Install Goblint with test
run: opam install goblint --with-test
- name: Install Apron dependencies
run: |
opam depext apron
opam install apron
- name: Symlink installed goblint to repository # because tests want to use locally built one
run: ln -s $(opam exec -- which goblint) goblint
- name: Set gobopt with pre.kernel-root # because linux-headers are not installed
run: echo "gobopt=--set pre.kernel-root $PWD/linux-headers" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Test regression
run: ./ headers testci
- name: Test apron regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
# if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: |
ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron -s
ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron2 -s
- name: Test apron octagon regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group octagon -s
- name: Test apron affeq regression # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group affeq -s
- name: Test apron regression (Mukherjee et. al SAS '17 paper') # skipped by default but CI has apron, so explicitly test group (which ignores skipping -- it's now a feature!)
# if: ${{ matrix.apron }}
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb group apron-mukherjee -s
- name: Test marshal regression
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -m
- name: Test incremental regression
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -i
- name: Test incremental regression with cfg comparison
run: ruby scripts/update_suite.rb -c