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michael-schwarz committed Nov 25, 2023
1 parent 92d25b0 commit 8db2966
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 37 deletions.
81 changes: 44 additions & 37 deletions src/cdomains/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1292,73 +1292,80 @@ struct
* marking the end of the string and if needed followed by further null bytes to obtain
* an n bytes string. *)
let to_n_string (must_nulls_set, may_nulls_set, size) n =
let nulls = (must_nulls_set, may_nulls_set) in
let rec add_indexes i max set =
if Z.geq i max then
add_indexes (Z.succ i) max (MaySet.add i set) in
let update_must_indexes min_must_null must_nulls_set =
if Z.equal min_must_null then ()
(* if strlen < n, every byte starting from min_must_null is surely also transformed to null *)
add_indexes min_must_null (Z.of_int n) must_nulls_set
|> MustSet.M.filter ( (Z.of_int n)) in
let update_may_indexes min_may_null may_nulls_set =
if Z.equal min_may_null then ()
(* if minimal strlen < n, every byte starting from minimal may null index may be transformed to null *)
add_indexes min_may_null (Z.of_int n) may_nulls_set
|> MaySet.M.filter ( (Z.of_int n)) in
let warn_no_null min_must_null exists_min_must_null min_may_null =
if Z.geq min_may_null (Z.of_int n) then
M.warn "Resulting string might not be null-terminated because src doesn't contain a null byte in the first n bytes"
else if (exists_min_must_null && (Z.geq min_must_null (Z.of_int n)) || ( min_must_null min_may_null)) || not exists_min_must_null then
M.warn "Resulting string might not be null-terminated because src might not contain a null byte in the first n bytes" in

if n < 0 then
( (), (), Idx.top_of ILong)
uf @@ ( (), Idx.top_of ILong)
let n = Z.of_int n in
let nulls = (must_nulls_set, may_nulls_set) in
let rec add_indexes i max set =
if Z.geq i max then
add_indexes (Z.succ i) max (MaySet.add i set) in
let update_must_indexes min_must_null must_nulls_set =
if Z.equal min_must_null then ()
(* if strlen < n, every byte starting from min_must_null is surely also transformed to null *)
add_indexes min_must_null n must_nulls_set
|> MustSet.M.filter ( n) in
let update_may_indexes min_may_null may_nulls_set =
if Z.equal min_may_null then ()
(* if minimal strlen < n, every byte starting from minimal may null index may be transformed to null *)
add_indexes min_may_null n may_nulls_set
|> MaySet.M.filter ( n) in
let warn_no_null min_must_null exists_min_must_null min_may_null =
if Z.geq min_may_null n then
M.warn "Resulting string might not be null-terminated because src doesn't contain a null byte in the first n bytes"
else if (exists_min_must_null && (Z.geq min_must_null n) || ( min_must_null min_may_null)) || not exists_min_must_null then
M.warn "Resulting string might not be null-terminated because src might not contain a null byte in the first n bytes"
((match Idx.minimal size, idx_maximal size with
| Some min_size, Some max_size ->
if (Z.of_int n) max_size then
if n max_size then
M.warn ~category:ArrayOobMessage.past_end "Array size is smaller than n bytes; can cause a buffer overflow"
else if (Z.of_int n) min_size then
else if n min_size then
M.warn ~category:ArrayOobMessage.past_end "Array size might be smaller than n bytes; can cause a buffer overflow"
| Some min_size, None ->
if (Z.of_int n) min_size then
if n min_size then
M.warn ~category:ArrayOobMessage.past_end "Array size might be smaller than n bytes; can cause a buffer overflow"
| None, Some max_size ->
if (Z.of_int n) max_size then
if n max_size then
M.warn ~category:ArrayOobMessage.past_end "Array size is smaller than n bytes; can cause a buffer overflow"
| None, None -> ());

let nulls =
(* if definitely no null byte in array, i.e. must_nulls_set = may_nulls_set = empty set *)
if Nulls.is_empty Definitely nulls then
(M.warn ~category:ArrayOobMessage.past_end
"Resulting string might not be null-terminated because src doesn't contain a null byte";
match idx_maximal size with
(* ... there *may* be null bytes from maximal size to n - 1 if maximal size < n (i.e. past end) *)
| Some max_size when Z.geq max_size -> (must_nulls_set, add_indexes max_size (Z.of_int n) may_nulls_set, Idx.of_int ILong (Z.of_int n))
| _ -> (must_nulls_set, may_nulls_set, Idx.of_int ILong (Z.of_int n)))
| Some max_size when Z.geq max_size -> Nulls.add_interval Possibly (max_size, Z.pred n) nulls
| _ -> nulls)
(* if only must_nulls_set empty, remove indexes >= n from may_nulls_set and add all indexes from minimal may null index to n - 1;
* warn as in any case, resulting array not guaranteed to contain null byte *)
else if Nulls.is_empty Possibly nulls then
let min_may_null = Nulls.min_elem Possibly nulls in
warn_no_null false min_may_null;
(must_nulls_set, update_may_indexes min_may_null may_nulls_set, Idx.of_int ILong (Z.of_int n))
if Z.equal min_may_null then
Nulls.forget_may nulls
let (must, mays) = Nulls.add_interval Possibly (min_may_null, Z.pred n) nulls in
(must, mays |> MaySet.M.filter ( n)) (* TODO: this makes little sense *)
let min_must_null = Nulls.min_elem Definitely nulls in
let min_may_null = Nulls.min_elem Possibly nulls in
(* warn if resulting array may not contain null byte *)
warn_no_null min_must_null true min_may_null;
(* if min_must_null = min_may_null, remove indexes >= n and add all indexes from minimal must/may null to n - 1 in the sets *)
if Z.equal min_must_null min_may_null then
(update_must_indexes min_must_null must_nulls_set, update_may_indexes min_may_null may_nulls_set, Idx.of_int ILong (Z.of_int n))
(update_must_indexes min_must_null must_nulls_set, update_may_indexes min_may_null may_nulls_set)
( (), update_may_indexes min_may_null may_nulls_set, Idx.of_int ILong (Z.of_int n)))
( (), update_may_indexes min_may_null may_nulls_set)
uf @@ (nulls, Idx.of_int ILong n))

let to_string_length (must_nulls_set, may_nulls_set, size) =
let nulls = (must_nulls_set, may_nulls_set) in
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