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Merge pull request #1076 from nathanschmidt/null-byte-arrayDomain
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Null Byte Array Domain
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sim642 authored Dec 12, 2023
2 parents 18a9aac + 4577879 commit c90eb12
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Showing 15 changed files with 2,012 additions and 118 deletions.
168 changes: 116 additions & 52 deletions src/analyses/
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Expand Up @@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ struct
(** [set st addr val] returns a state where [addr] is set to [val]
* it is always ok to put None for lval_raw and rval_raw, this amounts to not using/maintaining
* precise information about arrays. *)
let set (a: Q.ask) ~(ctx: _ ctx) ?(invariant=false) ?lval_raw ?rval_raw ?t_override (gs:glob_fun) (st: store) (lval: AD.t) (lval_type: Cil.typ) (value: value) : store =
let set (a: Q.ask) ~(ctx: _ ctx) ?(invariant=false) ?(blob_destructive=false) ?lval_raw ?rval_raw ?t_override (gs:glob_fun) (st: store) (lval: AD.t) (lval_type: Cil.typ) (value: value) : store =
let update_variable x t y z =
if M.tracing then M.tracel "set" ~var:x.vname "update_variable: start '%s' '%a'\nto\n%a\n\n" x.vname VD.pretty y CPA.pretty z;
let r = update_variable x t y z in (* refers to defintion that is outside of set *)
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let update_offset old_value =
(* Projection globals to highest Precision *)
let projected_value = project_val (Queries.to_value_domain_ask a) None None value (is_global a x) in
let new_value = VD.update_offset (Queries.to_value_domain_ask a) old_value offs projected_value lval_raw ((Var x), cil_offset) t in
let new_value = VD.update_offset ~blob_destructive (Queries.to_value_domain_ask a) old_value offs projected_value lval_raw ((Var x), cil_offset) t in
if WeakUpdates.mem x st.weak then
VD.join old_value new_value
else if invariant then (
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(* do nothing if all characters are needed *)
| _ -> None
let string_manipulation s1 s2 lv all op =
let s1_a, s1_typ = addr_type_of_exp s1 in
let s2_a, s2_typ = addr_type_of_exp s2 in
match lv, op with
| Some lv_val, Some f ->
(* when whished types coincide, compute result of operation op, otherwise use top *)
let lv_a = eval_lv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_val in
let lv_typ = Cilfacade.typeOfLval lv_val in
if all && typeSig s1_typ = typeSig s2_typ && typeSig s2_typ = typeSig lv_typ then (* all types need to coincide *)
lv_a, lv_typ, (f s1_a s2_a)
else if not all && typeSig s1_typ = typeSig s2_typ then (* only the types of s1 and s2 need to coincide *)
lv_a, lv_typ, (f s1_a s2_a)
lv_a, lv_typ, (VD.top_value (unrollType lv_typ))
| _ ->
(* check if s1 is potentially a string literal as writing to it would be undefined behavior; then return top *)
let _ = AD.string_writing_defined s1_a in
s1_a, s1_typ, VD.top_value (unrollType s1_typ)
let address_from_value (v:value) = match v with
| Address a ->
(* TODO: is it fine to just drop the last index unconditionally? *)
let rec lo = function
| `Index (i, `NoOffset) -> `NoOffset
| `NoOffset -> `NoOffset
| `Field (f, o) -> `Field (f, lo o)
| `Index (i, o) -> `Index (i, lo o) in
let rmLastOffset = function
| Addr.Addr (v, o) -> Addr.Addr (v, lo o)
| other -> other in rmLastOffset a
| _ -> raise (Failure "String function: not an address")
let string_manipulation s1 s2 lv all op_addr op_array =
let s1_v = eval_rv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st s1 in
let s1_a = address_from_value s1_v in
let s1_typ = AD.type_of s1_a in
let s2_v = eval_rv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st s2 in
let s2_a = address_from_value s2_v in
let s2_typ = AD.type_of s2_a in
(* compute value in string literals domain if s1 and s2 are both string literals *)
(* TODO: is this reliable? there could be a char* which isn't StrPtr *)
if CilType.Typ.equal s1_typ charPtrType && CilType.Typ.equal s2_typ charPtrType then
begin match lv, op_addr with
| Some lv_val, Some f ->
(* when whished types coincide, compute result of operation op_addr, otherwise use top *)
let lv_a = eval_lv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_val in
let lv_typ = Cilfacade.typeOfLval lv_val in
if all && typeSig s1_typ = typeSig s2_typ && typeSig s2_typ = typeSig lv_typ then (* all types need to coincide *)
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (f s1_a s2_a)
else if not all && typeSig s1_typ = typeSig s2_typ then (* only the types of s1 and s2 need to coincide *)
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (f s1_a s2_a)
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (VD.top_value (unrollType lv_typ))
| _ ->
(* check if s1 is potentially a string literal as writing to it would be undefined behavior; then return top *)
let _ = AD.string_writing_defined s1_a in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st s1_a s1_typ (VD.top_value (unrollType s1_typ))
(* else compute value in array domain *)
let lv_a, lv_typ = match lv with
| Some lv_val -> eval_lv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_val, Cilfacade.typeOfLval lv_val
| None -> s1_a, s1_typ in
begin match (get (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st s1_a None), get (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st s2_a None with
| Array array_s1, Array array_s2 -> set ~ctx ~blob_destructive:true (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (op_array array_s1 array_s2)
| Array array_s1, _ when CilType.Typ.equal s2_typ charPtrType ->
let s2_null_bytes = CArrays.to_null_byte_domain (AD.to_string s2_a) in
let array_s2 = List.fold_left CArrays.join ( ()) s2_null_bytes in
set ~ctx ~blob_destructive:true (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (op_array array_s1 array_s2)
| Bot, Array array_s2 ->
(* If we have bot inside here, we assume the blob is used as a char array and create one inside *)
let ptrdiff_ik = Cilfacade.ptrdiff_ikind () in
let size = ctx.ask (Q.BlobSize {exp = s1; base_address = false}) in
let s_id =
try ValueDomainQueries.ID.unlift (ID.cast_to ptrdiff_ik) size
with Failure _ -> ID.top_of ptrdiff_ik in
let empty_array = CArrays.make s_id (Int (ID.top_of IChar)) in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (op_array empty_array array_s2)
| Bot , _ when CilType.Typ.equal s2_typ charPtrType ->
(* If we have bot inside here, we assume the blob is used as a char array and create one inside *)
let ptrdiff_ik = Cilfacade.ptrdiff_ikind () in
let size = ctx.ask (Q.BlobSize {exp = s1; base_address = false}) in
let s_id =
try ValueDomainQueries.ID.unlift (ID.cast_to ptrdiff_ik) size
with Failure _ -> ID.top_of ptrdiff_ik in
let empty_array = CArrays.make s_id (Int (ID.top_of IChar)) in
let s2_null_bytes = CArrays.to_null_byte_domain (AD.to_string s2_a) in
let array_s2 = List.fold_left CArrays.join ( ()) s2_null_bytes in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (op_array empty_array array_s2)
| _, Array array_s2 when CilType.Typ.equal s1_typ charPtrType ->
(* if s1 is string literal, str(n)cpy and str(n)cat are undefined *)
if op_addr = None then
(* triggers warning, function only evaluated for side-effects *)
let _ = AD.string_writing_defined s1_a in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st s1_a s1_typ (VD.top_value (unrollType s1_typ))
let s1_null_bytes = CArrays.to_null_byte_domain (AD.to_string s1_a) in
let array_s1 = List.fold_left CArrays.join ( ()) s1_null_bytes in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (op_array array_s1 array_s2)
| _ ->
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_a lv_typ (VD.top_value (unrollType lv_typ))
let st = match desc.special args, f.vname with
| Memset { dest; ch; count; }, _ ->
Expand All @@ -2229,53 +2295,51 @@ struct
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st dest_a dest_typ value
| Memcpy { dest = dst; src; n; }, _ -> (* TODO: use n *)
memory_copying dst src (Some n)
(* strcpy(dest, src); *)
| Strcpy { dest = dst; src; n = None }, _ ->
let dest_a, dest_typ = addr_type_of_exp dst in
(* when dest surely isn't a string literal, try copying src to dest *)
if AD.string_writing_defined dest_a then
memory_copying dst src None
(* else return top (after a warning was issued) *)
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st dest_a dest_typ (VD.top_value (unrollType dest_typ))
(* strncpy(dest, src, n); *)
| Strcpy { dest = dst; src; n }, _ ->
begin match eval_n n with
| Some num ->
let dest_a, dest_typ, value = string_manipulation dst src None false None in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st dest_a dest_typ value
| None -> failwith "already handled in case above"
| Strcat { dest = dst; src; n }, _ ->
let dest_a, dest_typ, value = string_manipulation dst src None false None in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st dest_a dest_typ value
| Strcpy { dest = dst; src; n }, _ -> string_manipulation dst src None false None (fun ar1 ar2 -> Array (CArrays.string_copy ar1 ar2 (eval_n n)))
| Strcat { dest = dst; src; n }, _ -> string_manipulation dst src None false None (fun ar1 ar2 -> Array (CArrays.string_concat ar1 ar2 (eval_n n)))
| Strlen s, _ ->
begin match lv with
| Some lv_val ->
let dest_a = eval_lv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lv_val in
let dest_typ = Cilfacade.typeOfLval lv_val in
let lval = mkMem ~addr:(Cil.stripCasts s) ~off:NoOffset in
let address = eval_lv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st lval in
let (value:value) = Int(AD.to_string_length address) in
let v = eval_rv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st s in
let a = address_from_value v in
let value:value =
(* if s string literal, compute strlen in string literals domain *)
(* TODO: is this reliable? there could be a char* which isn't StrPtr *)
if CilType.Typ.equal (AD.type_of a) charPtrType then
Int (AD.to_string_length a)
(* else compute strlen in array domain *)
begin match get (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st a None with
| Array array_s -> Int (CArrays.to_string_length array_s)
| _ -> VD.top_value (unrollType dest_typ)
end in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st dest_a dest_typ value
| None -> st
| Strstr { haystack; needle }, _ ->
begin match lv with
| Some _ ->
(* when haystack, needle and dest type coincide, check if needle is a substring of haystack:
if that is the case, assign the substring of haystack starting at the first occurrence of needle to dest,
else use top *)
let dest_a, dest_typ, value = string_manipulation haystack needle lv true (Some (fun h_a n_a -> Address(AD.substring_extraction h_a n_a))) in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st dest_a dest_typ value
| Some lv_val ->
(* check if needle is a substring of haystack in string literals domain if haystack and needle are string literals,
else check in null bytes domain if both haystack and needle are / can be transformed to an array domain representation;
if needle is substring, assign the substring of haystack starting at the first occurrence of needle to dest,
if it surely isn't, assign a null_ptr *)
string_manipulation haystack needle lv true (Some (fun h_a n_a -> Address (AD.substring_extraction h_a n_a)))
(fun h_ar n_ar -> match CArrays.substring_extraction h_ar n_ar with
| CArrays.IsNotSubstr -> Address (AD.null_ptr)
| CArrays.IsSubstrAtIndex0 -> Address (eval_lv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st (mkMem ~addr:(Cil.stripCasts haystack) ~off:NoOffset))
| CArrays.IsMaybeSubstr -> Address (AD.join (eval_lv (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st
(mkMem ~addr:(Cil.stripCasts haystack) ~off:(Index (Offset.Index.Exp.any, NoOffset)))) (AD.null_ptr)))
| None -> st
| Strcmp { s1; s2; n }, _ ->
begin match lv with
| Some _ ->
(* when s1 and s2 type coincide, compare both both strings completely or their first n characters, otherwise use top *)
let dest_a, dest_typ, value = string_manipulation s1 s2 lv false (Some (fun s1_a s2_a -> Int(AD.string_comparison s1_a s2_a (eval_n n)))) in
set ~ctx (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) gs st dest_a dest_typ value
(* when s1 and s2 are string literals, compare both completely or their first n characters in the string literals domain;
else compare them in the null bytes array domain if they are / can be transformed to an array domain representation *)
string_manipulation s1 s2 lv false (Some (fun s1_a s2_a -> Int (AD.string_comparison s1_a s2_a (eval_n n))))
(fun s1_ar s2_ar -> Int (CArrays.string_comparison s1_ar s2_ar (eval_n n)))
| None -> st
| Abort, _ -> raise Deadcode
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