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Split LongjmpLifter from SpecLifters
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sim642 committed Sep 24, 2024
2 parents 7f4f5aa + 259ea67 commit d909548
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Showing 3 changed files with 249 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/framework/
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let spec_module: (module Spec) Lazy.t = lazy (
(* Widening tokens must be outside of hashcons, because widening token domain ignores token sets for identity, so hashcons doesn't allow adding tokens.
Also must be outside of deadcode, because deadcode splits (like mutex lock event) don't pass on tokens. *)
|> lift (get_bool "ana.widen.tokens") (module WideningTokens.Lifter)
|> lift true (module LongjmpLifter)
|> lift true (module LongjmpLifter.LongjmpLifter)
|> lift termination_enabled (module RecursionTermLifter.RecursionTermLifter) (* Always activate the recursion termination analysis, when the loop termination analysis is activated*)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ module PtranalAnalysis = PtranalAnalysis
Transformations of analyses into extended analyses. *)

module SpecLifters = SpecLifters
module LongjmpLifter = LongjmpLifter
module RecursionTermLifter = RecursionTermLifter
module ContextGasLifter = ContextGasLifter
module WideningTokens = WideningTokens
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247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions src/lifters/
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@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
open GoblintCil
open Analyses
open GobConfig

module LongjmpLifter (S: Spec): Spec =
include S

let name () = "Longjmp (" ^ () ^ ")"

module V =
include Printable.Either3Conf (struct let expand1 = false let expand2 = true let expand3 = true end) (S.V) (Printable.Prod (Node) (C)) (Printable.Prod (CilType.Fundec) (C))
let name () = "longjmp"
let s x = `Left x
let longjmpto x = `Middle x
let longjmpret x = `Right x
let is_write_only = function
| `Left x -> S.V.is_write_only x
| _ -> false

module G =
include Lattice.Lift2 (S.G) (S.D)

let s = function
| `Bot -> ()
| `Lifted1 x -> x
| _ -> failwith "LongjmpLifter.s"
let local = function
| `Bot -> ()
| `Lifted2 x -> x
| _ -> failwith "LongjmpLifter.local"
let create_s s = `Lifted1 s
let create_local local = `Lifted2 local

let printXml f = function
| `Lifted1 x -> S.G.printXml f x
| `Lifted2 x -> BatPrintf.fprintf f "<analysis name=\"longjmp\"><value>%a</value></analysis>" S.D.printXml x
| x -> BatPrintf.fprintf f "<analysis name=\"longjmp-lifter\">%a</analysis>" printXml x

let conv (ctx: (_, G.t, _, V.t) ctx): (_, S.G.t, _, S.V.t) ctx =
{ ctx with
global = (fun v -> G.s ( (V.s v)));
sideg = (fun v g -> ctx.sideg (V.s v) (G.create_s g));

let query ctx (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
match q with
| WarnGlobal g ->
let g: V.t = Obj.obj g in
begin match g with
| `Left g ->
S.query (conv ctx) (WarnGlobal (Obj.repr g))
| _ -> q
| InvariantGlobal g ->
let g: V.t = Obj.obj g in
begin match g with
| `Left g ->
S.query (conv ctx) (InvariantGlobal (Obj.repr g))
| _ -> q
| IterSysVars (vq, vf) ->
(* vars for S *)
let vf' x = vf (Obj.repr (V.s (Obj.obj x))) in
S.query (conv ctx) (IterSysVars (vq, vf'));
(* TODO: vars? *)
| _ ->
S.query (conv ctx) q

let branch ctx = S.branch (conv ctx)
let assign ctx = S.assign (conv ctx)
let vdecl ctx = S.vdecl (conv ctx)
let enter ctx = S.enter (conv ctx)
let paths_as_set ctx = S.paths_as_set (conv ctx)
let body ctx = S.body (conv ctx)
let return ctx = S.return (conv ctx)
let context ctx = S.context (conv ctx)

let combine_env ctx lv e f args fc fd f_ask =
let conv_ctx = conv ctx in
let current_fundec = Node.find_fundec ctx.node in
let handle_longjmp (cd, fc, longfd) =
(* This is called per-path. *)
let rec cd_ctx =
{ conv_ctx with
ask = (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t) -> S.query cd_ctx q);
local = cd;
let longfd_ctx =
(* Inner scope to prevent unsynced longfd_ctx from being used. *)
(* Extra sync like with normal combine. *)
let rec sync_ctx =
{ conv_ctx with
ask = (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t) -> S.query sync_ctx q);
local = longfd;
prev_node = Function f;
let synced = S.sync sync_ctx `Join in
let rec longfd_ctx =
{ sync_ctx with
ask = (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t) -> S.query longfd_ctx q);
local = synced;
let combined = lazy ( (* does not depend on target, do at most once *)
(* Globals are non-problematic here, as they are always carried around without any issues! *)
(* A combine call is mostly needed to ensure locals have appropriate values. *)
(* Using f from called function on purpose here! Needed? *)
S.combine_env cd_ctx None e f args fc longfd_ctx.local (Analyses.ask_of_ctx longfd_ctx) (* no lval because longjmp return skips return value assignment *)
let returned = lazy ( (* does not depend on target, do at most once *)
let rec combined_ctx =
{ cd_ctx with
ask = (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t) -> S.query combined_ctx q);
local = Lazy.force combined;
S.return combined_ctx None current_fundec
let (active_targets, _) = longfd_ctx.ask ActiveJumpBuf in
let valid_targets = cd_ctx.ask ValidLongJmp in
let handle_target target = match target with
| JmpBufDomain.BufferEntryOrTop.AllTargets -> () (* The warning is already emitted at the point where the longjmp happens *)
| Target (target_node, target_context) ->
let target_fundec = Node.find_fundec target_node in
if CilType.Fundec.equal target_fundec current_fundec && ControlSpecC.equal target_context (ctx.control_context ()) then (
if M.tracing then Messages.tracel "longjmp" "Fun: Potentially from same context, side-effect to %a" Node.pretty target_node;
ctx.sideg (V.longjmpto (target_node, ctx.context ())) (G.create_local (Lazy.force combined))
(* No need to propagate this outwards here, the set of valid longjumps is part of the context, we can never have the same context setting the longjmp multiple times *)
(* Appropriate setjmp is not in current function & current context *)
else if JmpBufDomain.JmpBufSet.mem target valid_targets then
ctx.sideg (V.longjmpret (current_fundec, ctx.context ())) (G.create_local (Lazy.force returned))
(* It actually is not handled here but was propagated here spuriously, we already warned at the location where this issue is caused *)
(* As the validlongjumps inside the callee is a a superset of the ones inside the caller *)
JmpBufDomain.JmpBufSet.iter handle_target active_targets
if M.tracing then M.tracel "longjmp" "longfd getg %a" CilType.Fundec.pretty f;
let longfd = G.local ( (V.longjmpret (f, Option.get fc))) in
if M.tracing then M.tracel "longjmp" "longfd %a" D.pretty longfd;
if not (D.is_bot longfd) then
handle_longjmp (ctx.local, fc, longfd);
S.combine_env (conv_ctx) lv e f args fc fd f_ask

let combine_assign ctx lv e f args fc fd f_ask =
S.combine_assign (conv ctx) lv e f args fc fd f_ask

let special ctx lv f args =
let conv_ctx = conv ctx in
match (LibraryFunctions.find f).special args with
| Setjmp {env} ->
(* Handling of returning for the first time *)
let normal_return = S.special conv_ctx lv f args in
let jmp_return = G.local ( (V.longjmpto (ctx.prev_node, ctx.context ()))) in
if S.D.is_bot jmp_return then
else (
let rec jmp_ctx =
{ conv_ctx with
ask = (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t) -> S.query jmp_ctx q);
local = jmp_return;
let longjmped = S.event jmp_ctx (Events.Longjmped {lval=lv}) jmp_ctx in
S.D.join normal_return longjmped
| Longjmp {env; value} ->
let current_fundec = Node.find_fundec ctx.node in
let handle_path path = (
let rec path_ctx =
{ conv_ctx with
ask = (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t) -> S.query path_ctx q);
local = path;
let specialed = lazy ( (* does not depend on target, do at most once *)
S.special path_ctx lv f args
let returned = lazy ( (* does not depend on target, do at most once *)
let rec specialed_ctx =
{ path_ctx with
ask = (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t) -> S.query specialed_ctx q);
local = Lazy.force specialed;
S.return specialed_ctx None current_fundec
(* Eval `env` again to avoid having to construct bespoke ctx to ask *)
let targets = path_ctx.ask (EvalJumpBuf env) in
let valid_targets = path_ctx.ask ValidLongJmp in
if M.tracing then Messages.tracel "longjmp" "Jumping to %a" JmpBufDomain.JmpBufSet.pretty targets;
let handle_target target = match target with
| JmpBufDomain.BufferEntryOrTop.AllTargets ->
M.warn ~category:Imprecise "Longjmp to potentially invalid target, as contents of buffer %a may be unknown! (imprecision due to heap?)" d_exp env;
M.msg_final Error ~category:Unsound ~tags:[Category Imprecise; Category Call] "Longjmp to unknown target ignored"
| Target (target_node, target_context) ->
let target_fundec = Node.find_fundec target_node in
if CilType.Fundec.equal target_fundec current_fundec && ControlSpecC.equal target_context (ctx.control_context ()) then (
if M.tracing then Messages.tracel "longjmp" "Potentially from same context, side-effect to %a" Node.pretty target_node;
ctx.sideg (V.longjmpto (target_node, ctx.context ())) (G.create_local (Lazy.force specialed))
else if JmpBufDomain.JmpBufSet.mem target valid_targets then (
if M.tracing then Messages.tracel "longjmp" "Longjmp to somewhere else, side-effect to %i" (S.C.hash (ctx.context ()));
ctx.sideg (V.longjmpret (current_fundec, ctx.context ())) (G.create_local (Lazy.force returned))
M.warn ~category:(Behavior (Undefined Other)) "Longjmp to potentially invalid target! (Target %a in Function %a which may have already returned or is in a different thread)" Node.pretty target_node CilType.Fundec.pretty target_fundec
if JmpBufDomain.JmpBufSet.is_empty targets then
M.warn ~category:(Behavior (Undefined Other)) "Longjmp to potentially invalid target (%a is bot?!)" d_exp env
JmpBufDomain.JmpBufSet.iter handle_target targets
List.iter handle_path (S.paths_as_set conv_ctx);
if !AnalysisState.should_warn && List.mem "termination" @@ get_string_list "ana.activated" then (
AnalysisState.svcomp_may_not_terminate := true;
M.warn ~category:Termination "The program might not terminate! (Longjmp)"
); ()
| _ -> S.special conv_ctx lv f args
let threadenter ctx = S.threadenter (conv ctx)
let threadspawn ctx ~multiple lv f args fctx = S.threadspawn (conv ctx) ~multiple lv f args (conv fctx)
let sync ctx = S.sync (conv ctx)
let skip ctx = S.skip (conv ctx)
let asm ctx = S.asm (conv ctx)
let event ctx e octx = S.event (conv ctx) e (conv octx)

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