Popup-SDK is a javascript SDK for web-based applications. The basic UX will be just like MetaMask as there will be a popup window for users to inspect transactions and take actions.
We have an online example for demostration, and its source is here.
# install via npm
npm install --save @unipasswallet/popup-sdk
# install via yarn
yarn add @unipasswallet/popup-sdk
- Create an
instance with aPopupSDKOption
object to customize. This is the definition ofPopupSDKOption
export declare type Environment = 'test' | 'prod';
export declare type ChainType = 'polygon' | 'bsc' | 'rangers';
// UniPass Wallet entry URL
export interface WalletURL {
domain?: string;
protocol?: 'https' | 'http';
// Basic Theme
export declare enum UniPassTheme {
LIGHT = "light",
DARK = "dark"
// Config before open the popup window
export declare type AppSettings = {
chain?: ChainType;
appName?: string;
appIcon?: string;
theme?: UniPassTheme;
// UniPass Wallet init config
export declare type PopupSDKOption = {
readonly nodeRPC?: string;
readonly chainType?: ChainType;
readonly env?: Environment;
readonly walletUrl?: WalletURL;
readonly appSettings?: AppSettings;
readonly [key: string]: any;
- Code sample
const upWallet = new UniPassPopupSDK({
env: "test",
// for polygon mumbai
chainType: "polygon",
nodeRPC: "https://node.wallet.unipass.id/polygon-mumbai",
// for bsc testnet
// chainType: "bsc",
// nodeRPC: "https://node.wallet.unipass.id/bsc-testnet",
// for rangers robin
// chainType: "rangers",
// nodeRPC: "https://node.wallet.unipass.id/rangers-robin",
appSettings: {
chain: "polygon",
theme: toTheme.value as UniPassTheme,
appName: "UniPass Wallet Demo",
appIcon: "",
walletUrl: {
domain: "https://testnet.wallet.unipass.id",
protocol: "https",
export declare type UPEventListener = (event: UPEvent) => void;
export declare type UPConnectOptions = {
email?: boolean; // request email or not
eventListener?: UPEventListener; // event listener during connection
- Return an
object if succeed. Otherwise an exception will be thrown if user denied the connection request.
export declare class UPAccount {
address: string; // Ethereum address of user
email?: string | undefined;
newborn?: boolean | undefined; // Newly registered or not
constructor(username: string, email?: string | undefined, newborn?: boolean | undefined);
can be used to track new registration count.
- Code sample
try {
const account = await upWallet.login({
email: true,
eventListener: (event: UPEvent) => {
console.log("event", event);
const { type, body } = event;
if (type === UPEventType.REGISTER) {
console.log("account", body);
ElMessage.success("a user register");
const { address, email } = account;
console.log("account", address, email);
} catch (err) {
console.log("connect err", err);
Type definitions:
export declare class UPTransactionMessage {
readonly from: string;
readonly to: string;
readonly value: string;
readonly data: string;
constructor(from: string, to: string, value: string, data: string);
export declare class UniPassPopupSDK {
* call user's contract to send transaction
* @param _transaction transaction object
* @returns the transaction hash
sendTransaction(_transaction: UPTransactionMessage): Promise<string>;
* sign message with UniPass Wallet, it is compatible with EIP-1271
* @param message message to be signed
* @returns signature
signMessage(message: BytesLike): Promise<string>;
* verify UniPass Wallet signed message and sig on user's contract
* @param _msg the message to be signed
* @param _sig the signature response returned by UniPass
* @returns boolean true: pass verification, false: failed verification
isValidSignature(_msg: string, _sig: string): Promise<boolean>;
3.1 Transfer Native Token
async sendNativeToken() {
try {
const tx = {
from: fromAddress,
to: toAddress,
value: parseEther(toAmount).toHexString(),
data: "0x",
txHash.value = await upWallet.sendTransaction(tx);
if (await checkTxStatus(txHash)) {
console.log("send Native Token success", txHash);
} else {
console.error(`send Native Token failed, tx hash = ${txHash}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log("err", err);
3.2 Transfer ERC20 Token
async sendToken() {
try {
const tokenAddress = '0x25c58Aa062Efb4f069bD013De3e3C5797fb40651';
const data = new utils.Interface(['function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)']).encodeFunctionData('transfer', [toAddress, amount]);
const tx = {
from: fromAddress,
to: tokenAddress,
value: "0x0";,
data: data,
txHash.value = await upWallet.sendTransaction(tx);
if (await checkTxStatus(txHash)) {
console.log("send Token success", txHash);
} else {
console.error(`send Token failed, tx hash = ${txHash}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log("err", err);
3.3 Call contract
Similar with transferring ERC20 token. First construct the call data, and then invoke sendTransaction
4.1 Sign message
const signMessage = async () => {
try {
const sig = await upWallet.signMessage(message);
} catch (err) {
console.log("auth err", err);
4.2 Verify message
const verifySig = async () => {
const message = 'hello world';
const sig: string;
try {
const ret = await upWallet.isValidSignature(message.value, sig.value, accountAddress);
if (ret === true) {
console.success("verify signature success");
} else {
console.error("verify signature failed");
} catch (err) {
console.log("auth err", err);
5.1 EIP712 Type definitions
export interface MessageTypeProperty {
name: string;
type: string;
export interface MessageTypes {
EIP712Domain: MessageTypeProperty[];
[additionalProperties: string]: MessageTypeProperty[];
* This is the message format used for `signTypeData`, for all versions
* except `V1`.
* @template T - The custom types used by this message.
* @property types - The custom types used by this message.
* @property primaryType - The type of the message.
* @property domain - Signing domain metadata. The signing domain is the intended context for the
* signature (e.g. the dapp, protocol, etc. that it's intended for). This data is used to
* construct the domain seperator of the message.
* @property domain.name - The name of the signing domain.
* @property domain.version - The current major version of the signing domain.
* @property domain.chainId - The chain ID of the signing domain.
* @property domain.verifyingContract - The address of the contract that can verify the signature.
* @property domain.salt - A disambiguating salt for the protocol.
* @property message - The message to be signed.
export interface TypedMessage<T extends MessageTypes> {
types: T;
primaryType: keyof T;
domain: {
name?: string;
version?: string;
chainId?: number;
verifyingContract?: string;
salt?: ArrayBuffer;
message: Record<string, unknown>;
5.2 Sign Typed Data
const signTypedData = async () => {
try {
const resp = await upWallet.signTypedData(eip712DemoData);
console.log("resp", resp);
eip712Sig.value = resp;
} catch (err: any) {
ElMessage.error(err?.message || "signTypedData error");
console.log("auth error", err?.message);
5.3 verifyTypedSig
const verifyTypedSig = async () => {
try {
const ret = await upWallet.isValidTypedSignature(
if (ret === true) {
console.log("verify eip712 signature success");
} else {
console.log("verify eip712 signature failed");
} catch (err: any) {
console.log("auth error", err?.message);
await upWallet.logout()