Intel XDK
- Intel Corporation
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sample-html5-geolocation-map Public archivesample-geolocation
template-blank Public archiveUse this template to start with a blank HTML for creating mobile apps.
sample-ble-central Public archiveA sample application that demonstrates how to scan, connect, read and write data to a central from a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral via a service and it's specific characteristic.
iotapp-local-temperature Public archiveThe Local Temperature Node.js sample application distributed within Intel® XDK IoT Edition under the IoT with Node.js Projects project creation option showcases how to read analog data from a Grove…
template-blank-cordova-project Public archiveUse this template to develop cross-platform mobile apps that can be built to run on various mobile devices as well as in a mobile browser. This template has all the device initialization code neces…
- sample-ble-central Public archive
A sample application that demonstrates how to scan, connect, read and write data to a central from a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral via a service and it's specific characteristic.
gomobile/sample-ble-central’s past year of commit activity - template-blank-cordova-project-lite Public archive
A "lite" version of the Cordova template. Use this template to develop cross-platform mobile apps that can be built to run on various mobile devices as well as in a mobile browser. This template has all the device initialization code necessary for creating a mobile app using Cordova or Intel XDK APIs.
gomobile/template-blank-cordova-project-lite’s past year of commit activity - template-blank-cordova-ad-project Public archive
gomobile/template-blank-cordova-ad-project’s past year of commit activity - template-blank-cordova-project Public archive
Use this template to develop cross-platform mobile apps that can be built to run on various mobile devices as well as in a mobile browser. This template has all the device initialization code necessary for creating a mobile app using Cordova or Intel XDK APIs.
gomobile/template-blank-cordova-project’s past year of commit activity - template-blank-ad-project Public archive
gomobile/template-blank-ad-project’s past year of commit activity - template-blank Public archive
Use this template to start with a blank HTML for creating mobile apps.
gomobile/template-blank’s past year of commit activity - sample-cordova-sharing Public archive
gomobile/sample-cordova-sharing’s past year of commit activity - sample-9-patch-splash-screen Public archive
gomobile/sample-9-patch-splash-screen’s past year of commit activity - sample-orientation Public archive
This demo shows how an app might sense the orientation of a native device using the JavaScript bridge library.
gomobile/sample-orientation’s past year of commit activity - sample-image-capture Public archive
gomobile/sample-image-capture’s past year of commit activity