This sample app shows how to use the following Cordova* InAppBrowser API methods:
: Adds a listener for an event from the InAppBrowser. -
: Opens a new browser window. For Android devices, opens the default browser. For iOS devices, opens the InAppBrowser. -
: Closes the InAppBrowser window.
The app illustrates opening a webpage in InAppBrowser, Open a webpage and
closing it in 3 seconds using the close()
method, opening a webpage in system
browser, opening an online PDF file and opening a local image file.
- The initialization place for your code. App init point
(runs on custom app.Ready event from xdk/init-dev.js). Runs after underlying
device native code and the webview is ready.
- Contains methods that bind the buttons click events to the
proper handler.
Here is an example method to open a webpage in the system web browser:
function extPageSysBrowser() {
"use strict";
var fName = "extPageSysBrowser():";
console.log(fName, "entry");
try {
if (window.tinyHippos) {
console.log(fName, "emulator alert");
} else {
var ref ='', '_system', 'location=yes');
console.log(fName, "try, success");
} catch (e) {
console.log(fName, "catch, failure");
console.log(fName, "exit");