The set of tools in this repository serve a common purpose: the analysis of Software Defined Networks with a particular focus on those using the fast-failover mechanism that is part of the recent OpenFlow standards. There are two parts of this repository:
- The python frontend is used to synthesize various network configuration and specify the type and details of analysis that is to be performed. This code is located under the
folder. - The C++ backend (SDNSim) simulates the network and allows rapid, parallel analysis. This code is located under the
- This project been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (ISO available here:
- If you want to install it on a VM, make sure you have at least 4 GB RAM and 2 CPU cores assigned to the VM. You can get VirtualBox here:
- On your machine, clone this repo in your home folder:
pushd ~/
git clone
- Make sure you have openvswitch 2.3.0 or higher. The version can be checked using:
ovs-ofctl --version
- Install mininet version 2.2 from the source by following instructions here:
- Get RYU version 4.3 from their repo at:
- Install Ubuntu Python package dependencies:
sudo apt install python-pip python-scipy python-numpy python-matplotlib
- Install pip packages:
sudo pip install grpcio-tools sortedcontainers networkx netaddr httplib2
- Setup PYTHONPATH to src folder by adding following line to your ~/.bashrc:
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/flow/flow_validator/src/
- Allow PYTHONPATH to be retained by sudo by modifying sudoers configuration using visudo and adding the following line:
sudo visudo
Defaults env_keep += "PYTHONPATH"
- Install bazel version 0.22, here:
- Generate the proto files for the python code
pushd ~/flow_validator/src/rpc/
sudo python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../../sdnsim/proto --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ../../sdnsim/proto/sdnsim.proto
- First the C++ backend (i.e. SDNSim) needs to be started. In order to do so, follow these steps:
cd ~/flow_validator/sdnsim
bazel run :sdnsim
- Try the Python frontend Playground module. In order to run it, follow these steps:
cd ~/flow_validator/src
sudo mn -c; sudo killall ryu-manager
sudo python experiments/
- Try a more complex network with a random topology:
cd ~/flow_validator/src
sudo mn -c; sudo killall ryu-manager
sudo python experiments/ --input_file experiments/failovers_64_switch.json --output_file experiments/output.json