Spark Application example with Clean Architecture.
- Maven > 3.9
- JVM 8. (Tested with Corretto-8.362.08.1)
- Docker (Only needed run integration-tests)
This is an example Spark Application that can be used as a Template.
It abstracts the business logic from the input/output using the Dependency Inversion Principle allowing to inject the dependencies to your business logic from the Main method.
class ReadRepositoryInt {
read(): DataFrame
<<trait>> ReadRepositoryInt
class FakeReadRepository {
read(): DataFrame
class LocalReadRepository {
read(): DataFrame
class S3ReadRepository {
read(): DataFrame
ReadRepositoryInt <|-- FakeReadRepository
ReadRepositoryInt <|-- S3ReadRepository
ReadRepositoryInt <|-- LocalReadRepository
class WriteRepositoryInt {
write(): DataFrame
<<trait>> WriteRepositoryInt
class S3WriteRepository {
write(): DataFrame
WriteRepositoryInt <|-- S3WriteRepository
class UseCase1 {
userLoader: ReadRepositoryInt
consentLoader: ReadRepositoryInt
writer: WriteRepositoryInt
class Main
Main ..> S3ReadRepository : Initializes(x2)
Main ..> S3ReadRepository : Initializes
Main ..> UseCase1 : injects userLoader\n(S3ReadRepository)
Main ..> UseCase1 : injects consentLoader\n(S3ReadRepository)
Main ..> UseCase1 : injects writer\n(S3WriteRepository)
To compile the project run: mvn clean compile
To execute Unit tests run: mvn test
Create the package: mvn package
To execute Integration tests:
- Start Docker daemon or Docker Desktop
- Run
mvn test -Pintegration-test
Local execution:
mvn package
java -cp target/scala-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.gopetracca.App
Spark cluster execution:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --master="local[2]" --class=com.gopetracca.App target/scala-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Configuration module