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The starter uses, tailwind, htmx and golang. We are also using pinesui by devdojo which is built on top of alpinejs and tailwind


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Golang HTMX Tailwind Alpine Vite Starter


This project is a starter template for a web application built with Go. It includes Echo for web routing, Tailwind CSS for styling, Templ for HTML templating, SQLC for SQL code generation, and Golang-Migrate for database migrations. It also uses Air for live reloading in development.

Project Structure

├── Makefile                # Makefile to manage build tasks and development commands
├──               # Project documentation
├── air.toml                # Configuration file for Air live reloading
├── bun.lockb               # Bun lock file for dependency management (if using Bun)
├── go.mod                  # Go module file, listing project dependencies
├── go.sum                  # Go checksum file, ensuring the integrity of dependencies
├── handlers
│   ├── home.go             # HTTP handler for the home route
│   └── shared.go           # Shared HTTP handlers or middleware
├── main.go                 # Main application entry point
├── package.json            # Node.js package file for managing JavaScript dependencies
├── public
│   └── global.css          # Global CSS file for styling
├── static_dev.go           # Development-specific static file handling
├── static_prod.go          # Production-specific static file handling
├── tailwind.config.js      # Configuration file for Tailwind CSS
├── tools.go                # Go file to track development tools as dependencies
└── views
    ├── components
    │   ├── navigation.templ     # Templ template for navigation component
    │   ├── ui                   # this directory will contain all microcomponents like ( button, card and so on mainly for component libraries)
    │   └── navigation_templ.go  # Go file for navigation component logic
    ├── css
    │   └── global.css           # CSS file for styling the application
    ├── pages                    # all your pages will go in this package
    │   └── home         # Templ template for the home page
    │       └── index_templ.go       # Go file for home page logic
    └── layouts
        ├── base.templ           # Templ template for the base layout
        └── base_templ.go        # Go file for base layout logic

Getting Started


•	Go 1.20 or later
•	Node.js and npm
•	Air (for live reloading in development)
•	Templ (for HTML templating)
•	Tailwind CSS (for styling)
•	Golang-Migrate (for database migrations)


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd yourprojectname
  1. Install go dependencies
go mod tidy
go install
# Note: if go install does not install every thing from tools.go you will have to install templ, sqlc and golang-migrate manually
go install
go install
go install -tags 'postgres'

To get started clone this template and run

yarn install
# or
npm install
# or
bun install


  1. Create a .env file for your environment variables.
cp .env.example .env
  1. Update the .env file with your configuration settings.



  1. Run the application with Air for live reloading
make air

This will run the application in development mode with live reloading using Air, Templ, and Tailwind CSS.

  1. If you only generate templates with Templ and Proxy
make templ
  1. Watch and compile CSS with Tailwind CSS
make css

vite modules

make vite

We have bundled js for module support and partial rendering and loading js files via vite

<div id="output" data-module="module"></div>

We use data-module attribute to tell that particular page or element to notify us that we need to load that particular js file this gives us more performance and we can directly install and use npm packages directly on to our templ files.


  1. Build the application for production
make build
  1. Run the production build
make run

Running Migrations

First you need to write sql native queries in query folder inside infrastructure/postgres/query. To run database migrations, use Golang-Migrate with the following command:

migrate -database postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable -path ./infrastructure/postgres/migrations up

you will need to compile css for the first time to include it in the binary

make css


For migrations make sure you have golang-migrate installed

migrate -path repo/migrations -database "postgresql://root:secret@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" -verbose up

To start development server

You can access client at port :7331 and backend at :1323

make air

To run prod

make run


The base structure is inspired by Anthony's video so big shoutout, please do visit his channel


The starter uses, tailwind, htmx and golang. We are also using pinesui by devdojo which is built on top of alpinejs and tailwind



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