A simple bash script for linux to increase brightness, decrease brightness, set brightnes, current brightnes,nightmode and daymode by running the commands in your terminal. For example as a root user run : "backblacklight nightmode" in your terminal for nightmode
git clone https://gitlab.com/gorlapraveen/brightness_bashshell_script.git
cd brightness_bashshell_script
Usage: After Installation:
current : Shows present brightness level within the max brighness level
increase : increases brightness
decrease : decreases brightness
set : sets brightness to an Integer
nightmmode : Nightmode
daymode : Daymode
[options] : input integers form 1 to maximum brightness
Example usage : To increase brightness by one level. Run the following in Command Line Interface.
backlight increase
Example usage : To set brightness level to 300 in range of 1 to maximum brightness(for Intel processors the max brigntness may be 937 in integer number). Run the following in Command Line Interface.
backlight set 300
Note : Debian(.deb) exclusive package is available at Gitlab rep
Run 'delete.sh' in the Command Line interface, from the same directory, so that the package for controlling the brightness by Command Line Interface is disabled and concerned packge(this package) is deleted/purged/uninstalled.
Developed and Contributed by: @gorlapraveen