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(父目录为 ~/.vim)
(可参考 这里 或者 这里

  • vimrc
    基本的 Vim 配置
    (插件的配置分开存放在 .pack 目录里)

  • gvimrc
    GVim 的专属配置

  • pack
    用 Vim 8 原生的 packages 特性加载插件

    • pack/xxx/start/ 下的插件 yyy 会在打开 Vim 时自动加载
      (不过插件里的 autoload 目录依然会按需实时加载,所以插件放在 start 里也不会明显拖慢 Vim 的启动)

    • pack/xxx/opt/ 下的插件 zzz 则需要在 Vim 里执行命令 :packadd zzz 后才会被加载

      比如 appearance 目录里存放了外观相关的插件

  • .pack
    (可以自己写 脚本 方便下载、更新插件)
    我这里用了别人写好的脚本 pack
    这个目录存放了 pack 的配置信息:

    • packfile
      用 pack 安装插件时添加的参数都会保存在这个文件里
      所以只要保留了这个文件,执行命令 pack install 就可以把所有插件装回来
    • xxx-yyy.vim
      通过 pack config xxx/yyy 命令添加的插件配置将保存在这个文件
      (并且会自动调用 pack generate 命令,把全部 xxx-yyy.vim 文件整合成一个文件 plugin/_pack.vim
  • plugin
    执行pack generate 命令(一般会被自动执行)将把 .pack 目录里的各插件配置文件合并成 plugin 下的 _pack.vim

    一键安装脚本(不包括 rg 等安装过程跟系统相关性较大的前置依赖)

  • swap

  • spell
    存放 拼写检查 添加的字典文件

  • session
    存放 session 文件

  • UltiSnips
    存放自定义的 snip 文件

  • undo-history
    存放所有文件的可持久 undo 历史

  • globalrc
    Gtags 的配置文件



  • mhinz/vim-startify
    Provides a start screen to show recently used or bookmarked files and persistent sessions.

  • tpope/vim-unimpaired
    [b/]b to navigate between buffers.
    [t/]t to navigate between tabs.
    [f/]f to navigate between files in current file's directory alphabetically.
    [<Space>/]<Space> to add [count] blank lines before/below the cursor.
    [e/]e to exchange the current line with [count] lines above/below it.
    [p/]p to paste before/after linewise.
    =p/=P to paste before/after linewise, reindenting.

  • tpope/vim-eunuch
    :Delete to delete a file on disk and the buffer too.
    :Remove to delete a file on disk but keep the buffer.
    :Move/:Rename/:Copy to rename a buffer and the file on disk simultaneously.
    :Chmod to change the permissions of the current file.
    :Mkdir to create a directory, defaulting to the parent of the current file.
    :Wall/:W to write every open window instead of buffers.
    :SudoWrite/:SudoEdit to write/edit a privileged file with sudo.
    Typing a shebang line causes the file type to be re-detected, and the file will be automatically made executable (chmod +x) after the next write.

  • kana/vim-submode
    Create your own submode keymaps.
    For example, <C-w><<< to resize split window quickly.

  • rhysd/devdocs.vim
    <leader>K to search the word under cursor in
    :DevDocs [query] to search query with filetype related documentations.

  • mattn/webapi-vim
    An interface to web APIs. This plugin is depended by vim-gists.


  • sheerun/vim-polyglot
    A bundle of hundreds of vim plugins:
    Provides syntax and indentation support (no other features) for almost all commonly used languages.
    Automatically detects indentation (optimized version of vim-sleuth).

  • honza/vim-snippets
    This repository contains snippets files for various programming languages.

  • mlaursen/vim-react-snippets
    A collection of common Javascript and Typescript snippets for developing React.

  • neoclide/coc.nvim
    A LSP client that can load js extensions like VSCode.
    <C-k/j> to navigate between diagnostics, <C-y> to auto fix the current diagnostic.
    <C-]> to jump to the definition of current symbol, <C-t> to jump back in the tag stack.
    <leader>tr/tu/tt/ti to jump to the references/references-used/type-definition/implementation of current symbol.
    K to show the documentation of current symbol. <F2> to rename the current symbol.
    <leader>th to switch between the implementation file and it's corresponding header file.
    <leader><leader>t to toggle the tagbar.
    :SnipFiles to view/edit available snippets files for the current file/filetype.
    :SnipUser to edit the user snippets file under ~/.config/coc for the current filetype.
    <C-j>/<C-k> to jump between placeholders of a snippet.
    <leader>md to open a real-time preview page of the current markdown file.

  • dense-analysis/ale
    A LSP client that focused on integrating with external linters.
    It supports many filetypes by default, so it's a good supplement to CoC.

  • lervag/vimtex
    A modern filetype and syntax plugin for LaTeX files.

  • HealsCodes/vim-gas
    Advanced syntax highlighting for GNU asm files.


  • easymotion/vim-easymotion
    It takes the <num> out of <num>f{char} by highlighting all possible choices and allowing you to press one key to jump directly to the target.
    <leader>f{char} to jump to any {char} in the screen directly.
    <leader>j/k to jump to any line in the screen directly.

  • lambdalisue/fern.vim
    - to open a file tree viewer on the parent directory of the current buffer in the current window, i.e. netrw style.
    <Leader><Leader>f to open a project drawer in the sidebar, i.e. nerdtree style.
    In the viewer:
    h/j/k/l to navigate between files/directories, p/<C-p> to preview the file under cursor.
    - or <CR> to change the root node to the parent or the selected children node.
    <leader>q or :bd to close the netrw style viewer.

  • junegunn/fzf
    As a vim plugin, this repo provide some core integration functions: fzf#run and fzf#wrap.

  • junegunn/fzf.vim
    This repo is a bundle of fzf-based commands and mappings, such as Rg.

  • antoinemadec/coc-fzf
    This plugin uses fzf in place of Coc's built-in CocList sources as well as Coc's jumps (definition, reference etc).
    CocFzfList is a drop-in replacement of CocList, you can also add_list_source for other useful commands.
    Mappings in config: <C-f>p/f/b/l/q/m/h/c/g/d/:

  • jesseleite/vim-agriculture
    RgRaw provide the ability to pass command line options to rg (compared with Rg).
    <C-f>r to grep visual selection (in visual mode) or word under cursor (in normal mode).

  • dyng/ctrlsf.vim
    Similar to <C-f>r, but <C-f>w can merge contexts of adjacent grep results.

  • dkprice/vim-easygrep
    <leader>vv/vr to grep/replace in the open buffers (<leader>vo to change options).

  • ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags
    Automatically generate/update gtags database for the current project.

  • skywind3000/gutentags_plus
    Automatically connect gtags database for the current project.
    Mappings in config: <leader>gs/gg/gd/gc/gt/ge/gf/gi/ga

  • Yggdroot/LeaderF
    Another fuzzy finder that similar to fzf.
    Some subcommands that better than fzf are integrated into CocFzfList.

  • haya14busa/incsearch.vim
    Incrementally highlights all matches, but this feature is already provided by vim 8.0.1238.
    So only one keymap is left: z/ to search without cursor move.

  • haya14busa/is.vim
    Successor of incsearch.vim (keep incsearch.vim since some plugins depend on it).
    Automatically clear search highlights after cursor moved.
    <C-j>/<C-k> to incrementally scroll between pages of search matches.

  • haya14busa/incsearch-fuzzy.vim
    Incremental fuzzy search extension for incsearch.vim.
    f//f?/fz/ to do fuzzy search.
    ff//ff?/ffz/ to do fuzzy search with the spell feature of vim.

  • haya14busa/incsearch-easymotion.vim
    Integration between incsearch.vim and vim-easymotion.
    <Leader>//<Leader>?/<Leader>z/ to search with easymotion.
    <Leader><Leader>/ to do fuzzy search with easymotion.

  • haya14busa/vim-asterisk
    Improve */#/g*/g# motions: smartcase, work in visual mode.
    z*/gz*/z#/gz# to stay cursor.

  • andymass/vim-matchup
    Extends vim's % motion to language-specific words.
    Highlights symbols and words under the cursor which % can work on.
    motions: g%/[%/]%/z%.
    text objects: i%/a%.

  • kshenoy/vim-signature
    Manage and display marks:
    mx/m. to toggle mark at current cursor.
    m-/m<spacee> to delete all marks from the current line/buffer.
    ['/]'/'[/']/m/ to navigate between marks.


  • sbdchd/neoformat
    <Leader>= to format the entire buffer or visual selection with various formatters (prefer using coc-formatt).

  • mg979/vim-visual-multi
    To create multiple cursors:
    Select words with <C-n>, or select characters with <S-Right/Left>, then n/N to get the next/previous occurrence, q to skip current and get the next.
    Create cursors vertically with <C-Down/Up>, then [/] to select the previous/next cursor, Q to remove the current cursor/selection.
    <Tab> to switch between cursor mode (similar as normal mode) and extend mode (similar as visual mode).

  • gcmt/wildfire.vim
    Press <Enter> in normal mode to select the closest text object.
    Keep pressing <Enter> for selecting the next closest text object.
    To select the previously selected text object, press <BS>. Preview

  • wellle/targets.vim
    It adds various text objects to expand the idea of built-in di'.
    Pair text objects: ()/{}/[]/<>.
    Quote text objects: '/"/`.
    Separator text objects: ,/./;/:/+/-/=/~/_/*/#///|/\/&/$.
    Argument text objects: similar to separator text objects, but are specialized for arguments surrounded by braces and commas.
    Any text objects: nb for any block, nq for any quote.

    a ( b ( cccccccc ) d ) e
      │   └─── a) ───┘   │
      └────── 2a) ───────┘
    a ( b ( cccccccc ) d ) e
       │   └── i) ──┘   │
       └───── 2i) ──────┘
    a ( b ( cccccccc ) d ) e
        │   └─ I) ─┘   │
        └──── 2I) ─────┘
    func( xxxxxxxxx , yyyyy )
          └── aa ────┘
    func( xxxxxxxxx , yyyyy )
         └── ia ───┘
    func( xxxxxxxxx , yyyyy )
          └── Ia ─┘
  • vim-sandwich
    Use keymaps from vim-surround:
    ys{motion/textobject}{surrounding} (or S{surrounding} in visual mode) to add surrounding, e.g. ysiw) makes foo to (foo) (use ( instead of ) to add spaces).
    ds{surrounding} to delete surrounding, e.g. ds( or dss makes ( foo ) to foo (dss searches a set of surrounding automatically).
    cs{old}{new} to replace old with new, e.g. cs(" or css" makes (foo) to "foo" (css is similar as dss).

  • rlue/vim-barbaric
    Keep and restore input method state for each buffer separately when leaving/re-entering insert mode.
    Like always typing English in normal mode, but Chinese in insert mode.

  • jiangmiao/auto-pairs
    Insert/Delete in pair.
    Insert new indented line after <CR>.
    Insert spaces before closing characters.
    Only some filetype-based characters are enabled in config.

  • tpope/vim-abolish
    Work with several variants of a word at once.
    crs to coerce to snake_case, crc to camelCase, crm to MixedCase
    cru to coerce to UPPER_CASE, cr- to dash-case, cr. to
    :Abolish {despa,sepe}rat{e,es,ed,ing,ely,ion,ions,or} {despe,sepa}rat{} to produce 48 iabbrev.
    :%S/facilit{y,ies}/building{,s}/g will be expanded to

  • tpope/vim-capslock
    <C-G>c in insert mode to toggle a temporary software caps lock.
    gC in normal mode to toggle a slightly more permanent one.

  • simnalamburt/vim-mundo
    <Leader><Leader>u to visualize the Vim undo tree.

  • kkoomen/vim-doge
    <Leader>do to generate documentations (cursor should on the first line of function).
    <C-j>/<C-k> to jump between TODO items of the documentation generated.

  • junegunn/vim-easy-align
    ga{motion/textobject}{align-char} (or ga{align-char} in visual mode) to align selected lines with align char, e.g. gaip= or vipga= to align lines in current paragraph with =.

  • tpope/vim-rsi
    Get the most useful key bindings from Readline (similar to Emacs) without blindly overriding built-in Vim functionality.
    <C-a>/<C-e> to jump to the start/end of current line in insert mode (similar as <Home>/<End>).
    <C-b>/<C-f> to jump to the left/right char in insert mode (similar as <Left>/<Right>).
    <M-b>/<M-f> to jump to the previous/next word (similar as <C- <- >/<C- -> >).
    <C-d> to delete the next char in insert mode (similar as <Del>).

  • tpope/vim-speeddating
    <C-a>/<C-x> to increment dates, times, and more.

  • tpope/vim-repeat
    It remaps . in a way that plugins can tap into it.
    The following plugins support it: surround.vim, speeddating.vim and unimpaired.vim.

  • ojroques/vim-oscyank
    <Leader>y to copy text from remote SSH sessions to the system clipboard using the ANSI OSC52 sequence.

  • vim-scripts/DrawIt
    <Leader>di/<Leader>ds to start/stop DrawIt mode.
    In DrawIt mode, use <left>/<right>/<up>/<down>/</>/^/v/... to draw dashes/arrows.


  • mhinz/vim-sayonara
    <Leader>q to delete the current buffer without closing your windows or messing up your layout.
    :Q as an alternative to :q.

  • vim-scripts/BufOnly.vim
    :Bonly to delete all buffers but the current one.

  • mtth/scratch.vim
    <Leader>sc/sC to open a unobtrusive scratch window with/without previous content.
    It will also copy the selected content to the scratch window if pressed in visual mode.

  • farmergreg/vim-lastplace
    Intelligently reopen files at your last edit position.

  • gou4shi1/GoldenView.Vim
    Automatically resize the focused split window to a "golden" view based on golden ratio and textwidth.

  • romainl/vim-qf
    A collection of settings, commands and mappings to tame the quickfix/location window.
    Quickfix buffers are hidden from :ls and buffer navigation.
    Quit Vim if the last window is a quickfix/location window.
    Close the location window automatically when quitting parent window.
    And some commands that are only available in the quickfix/location window.
    <leader><leader>l to toggle the location window.


  • voldikss/vim-floaterm
    <F8> to open a new terminal in the popup window.
    <F9>/<S-F9> to switch to the next/prev terminal.
    <F10> to toggle the popup window.

  • kassio/neoterm
    :T cmd is a replacement of :term cmd that reuse the terminal already exists.
    TODO: Add keymaps for REPL.

  • skywind3000/asyncrun.vim
    :AsyncRun cmd to run your command asynchronously and see output in quickfix/floaterm/neoterm.

  • skywind3000/asynctasks.vim
    It uses a .tasks file in your project folders for local tasks and uses ~/.vim/tasks.ini to define global tasks.
    <F5>/<F6>/<F7> to compile/run/debug the current file in floaterm.


  • airblade/vim-gitgutter
    Show git diff in the sign column.
    [h/]h to jump between hunks, <leader>hp/hs/hu to preview, stage, and undo hunks.

  • rhysd/conflict-marker.vim
    Highlight, jump and resolve conflict markers quickly.
    [</]< to jump to the next/prev conflict marker <<<<<.
    ct/co/cn/cb/cB to choose them/our/none/both to resolve conflicts.

  • tpope/vim-fugitive
    :Git/G xxx as an alternative to :!git xxx to call any arbitrary git command.
    For example, :G blame to blame the current file in a scroll-bound split view, :G to open a summary window.
    Additional commands are also provided, e.g. :Gedit HEAD~3:% to load the current file as it existed 3 commits ago.

  • tpope/vim-rhubarb
    The GitHub extension for fugitive.vim.
    :GBrowse to open the corresponding GitHub url in browser.
    In commit messages, GitHub issues, issue URLs, and collaborators can be omni-completed.

  • jparise/vim-phabricator
    The Phabricator extension for fugitive.vim.
    :GBrowse to open the corresponding Phabricator url in browser.
    Syntax highlighting for Arcanist templates and configuration files.
    In arc diff templates, Phabricator users and projects can be omni-completed.

  • rbong/vim-flog
    :Flog to view the git commit graph.
    In the graph, gr to toggle viewing the reflog, gb to toggle bisect mode, gq to quit.

  • mattn/vim-gist
    Gist to post current buffer to gist, :'<,'>Gist to post selected texts, :Gist -m to post all open buffers.
    -p to create a private gist, -P to create a public gist, -a to create anonymously.

  • Eliot00/git-lens.vim
    Show git blame as VS Code's GitLens plugin.
    You can toggle it in the <F1> menu. git-lens gif



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