Fit time-series data with a Neural Differential Equation in Julia!
This repository contains time-series data fit capabilities using both Neural Ordinary Differential Equations and Neural Stochastic Differential Equations
Also checkout its Python version
Just instantiate the package and you can run the examples
julia fit_nsde.jl
The following program illustrates a basic example
using NODEFit
using Lux: Chain, Dense
# Define the networks
# Network dimensions
ndim, nhid = 2, 4
drift_net = Chain(x -> x .^ 3, Dense(ndim, nhid, tanh), Dense(nhid, ndim))
diff_net = Dense(ndim, ndim)
# Define the data
tsteps = collect(Float32, range(0.0f0, 1.0f0; length=30))
sde_data, sde_data_vars = # Matrices of time-series data and variances
# Fit the data
result_nsde = NODEFit.fit_nsde(drift_net, diff_net, tsteps, sde_data, sde_data_vars)
Full examples are provided in the examples folder
Once compiled, Julia is much faster than Python and the following article provides comparison for the underlying routines
Neural SDE fits for 500 iterations were performed on Early 2015 MacBook Pro in real-time (as seen in output) compared to ~10 seconds per iteration in NODEFit
Please direct your queries to gpavanb1 for any questions.
This package would not be possible without the supporting packages. The assistance provided in Julia Slack groups is also gratefully acknowledged. Documentation of DiffEqFlux.jl served as guidance for some of the routines.