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created with @achudzik. The idea of this plugin is to perform profiling of your tests. You will be able to see your test execution times sorted in the descending manner together with an information about a module and the class name from which the test was executed.


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Created with @AChudzik

The idea of this plugin is to perform profiling of your tests. You will be able to see your test execution times sorted in the descending manner together with an information about a module and the class name from which the test was executed.

Since version 0.1.0

How to add it

You have to add jcenter to buildscript repositories

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.blogspot.toomuchcoding:gradle-test-profiler:0.3.1'

apply plugin: 'com.blogspot.toomuchcoding.testprofiler'

How to run it

It's enough to execute

./gradlew clean build profileTests

It's important run both build and profileTests

How does it work

What this plugin does is:

  • adds TestExecutionListener that
    • prints out the time of execution of a test
    • creates a report for each module with sorted test execution data
  • if maxThreshold is passed:
    • manipulates the bytcode of tests by adding a JUnit Timeout Rule
    • for Spock adds GlobalExtension that times out the tests if needed
  • the profileTests task merges all the per-module sorted test execution data into one

How to configure it

You have a special section called testprofiler

testprofiler {

         * Should TestProfilerPlugin be enabled? If set to false there will be no modification of any Gradle Test classes
         * and the task will simply print a message
        boolean enabled = true

         * Separator of columns in the output report
        String separator = '\t'

         * Headers in the report
        String outputReportHeaders = "module${separator}test class name${separator}test name${separator}test execution time in [s]${separator}test class execution time in [s]\n"

         * Closure that will be converted to a Comparator to compare row entries
        Closure<Integer> comparator = DefaultTestExecutionComparator.DEFAULT_TEST_EXECUTION_COMPARATOR

         * Closure that converts a reporter row entry to a single String
        Closure<String> rowFromReport = ReportStorer.DEFAULT_ROW_FROM_REPORT_CONVERTER

         * Relative path to the report for a module. Defaults to {@code /reports/test_profiling/testsProfile.csv}
        File relativeReportPath

         * Path to the merged summary of reports. Defaults to {@code project.rootProject.buildDir/reports/test_profiling/summary.csv"
        File mergedSummaryPath

         * Milliseconds of test execution above which we will store information about the test. Defaults to 0
        Integer minTestThreshold = 0

         * Additional options for build breaking
        buildBreaker {

             * Milliseconds after which test execution will be terminated with a fail
            Integer maxTestThreshold = 30_000

             * List of test class name suffixes (e.g. LoanAmountVerificationTest)
            List<String> testClassNameSuffixes = ['Test', 'Should', 'Spec']

             * A method to add additional suffixes
            addTestClassNameSuffix 'SomeOtherSuffix'
             * List of regexps related to FQN of class that if matched will NOT break the test
            List<String> testClassRegexpsToIgnore = []
             * A method to add regexps of classes to ignore
            void addTestClassRegexpToIgnore(String... testClassRegexpToIgnore) {

            * Section to describe what should happen if tests exceed max threshold
            ifTestsExceedMaxThreshold {

Actions if build exceeds max threshold

Display default warning message

If provided as follows then the build will display a default warning message if the test execution time exceeds the provided max one

testprofiler {

    buildBreaker {
                Integer maxTestThreshold = 30_000

                ifTestsExceedMaxThreshold {

Display custom warning message

If provided as follows then the build will display a custom warning message if the test execution time exceeds the provided max one

testprofiler {

    buildBreaker {
                Integer maxTestThreshold = 30_000

                ifTestsExceedMaxThreshold {
                    displayWarning { TestDescriptor testDescriptor, TestExecutionResult testExecutionResult ->
                        "return some string with [$testDescriptor] and [$testExecutionResult] that will be logged"

Break the build

If provided as follows then the will break the build if the test takes too long too run.

testprofiler {

    buildBreaker {
                Integer maxTestThreshold = 30_000

                ifTestsExceedMaxThreshold {

Perform custom logic

If provided as follows then the custom logic will be executed if the test execution time exceeds the provided max one

testprofiler {

    buildBreaker {
                Integer maxTestThreshold = 30_000

                ifTestsExceedMaxThreshold {
                    act { com.blogspot.toomuchcoding.testprofiler.LoggerProxy,
                          TestDescriptor testDescriptor,
                          TestExecutionResult testExecutionResult ->
                        // do whatever you want to...

Deprecated (up till version 0.0.4)

How to add it

For the time being just enter in your project

if (project.hasProperty('testsProfiling')) {
    apply from: ''

How to run it?


./gradlew clean build testsProfileSummaryReport -PtestsProfiling


created with @achudzik. The idea of this plugin is to perform profiling of your tests. You will be able to see your test execution times sorted in the descending manner together with an information about a module and the class name from which the test was executed.







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  • Groovy 88.0%
  • Java 12.0%