Cowin - Search Multiple Districts for vaccine shots at once using python script.
Edit age and vaccine type in the python script and run.
Distric codes are added in readme file.
Optimised to run for multiple districts parellely.
Tested till 50 districts, run time is 10-15 secs.
20-06-2021 Centre 1:Karnataka:BBMP Centre Adrress: RainbowKalyaniKalamandir Available Capacity dose 1: 1421 Fees: 1410
20-06-2021 Centre 2:Karnataka:BBMP Centre Adrress: OVUM HOSPITAL BSK Available Capacity dose 1: 18 Fees: 1410
20-06-2021 Centre 3:Karnataka:BBMP Centre Adrress: ALLEVIATE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Available Capacity dose 1: 2 Fees: 1400