You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 5
ServiceNow Admin Training
- Global Service Provider of ITSM. Founded in 2003 by Fred Luddy, former STO of Preregrine Systems and Remedy Corporation.
- Customer site
- Firewall
- Load Balancer
- Webserver
- Server (Linux)
- J2EE App Server
- Database (MYSQL/Oracle)
- Proven 99 % availability
- Automatic updates
- geographically separator Disaster Recovery
- Architectured for large enterpries
- Proven Massive Scalability
- dedicated database and Application set
- Tightly integrated
- Desinged from ground for web based transations
- Role based security
- Contextual Sercurity
- Password, data encryption
- Datacenter physical Sercurity
- VPM tunneling
- Aspen- Dec. 1st 2011
- Berlin- 2nd July 2012
- Calgary-28th Feb. 2013
- Dublin-22nd October 2013
- Eureka-6th May 2014
- Fuji-3rd March 2015
- Geneva-10 Dec. 2015
- Helsinki-2nd May 2016
- Istanbul-12th Jan.2017
- Jakarta -17th July 2017
- Kingston
- London
- Madrid
- New York
- Orlando
- Watch lists allows multiple users to subscribe to notifications of a task.
- Administrators can configure email notifications for watch lists.
- Users must have an e-mail address defined in their user record or enter an e-mail.
- 7 Daily - Preserved for one week
- 1 weekly - Preserved for one month
- include data from all customer instance (Primary and secondary, Production and Non Production instances)
- Entire DB server backed up every night
- Restoration from backup is last resort especially in Production.
- While restore, production is unavailable
- For some customers, restoration can be longer and can take hours causing downtimes.
- One customer per instance
- Multiple customers per instance
- Overwrite the entire content of one instance with other.
- Users with admin role can place a request.
- Request to be placed 48 hours in advance to start of cloning action by ServiceNow.
- Prod
- QA
- Admins can active any published plugins.
- System Destination >> Plugin
- Plugins activated by default on newly
- Domain separation is a way to separate data into logically defined domains.
- Data - Bottom to Top
- Process - Top to Bottom
- Don't create or update the any data on global level.
Customer A - Domain Company - Department - Data
- Incident
- Problem
- Change
- Service Catalog
Import Sets is a powerful tool used to import data from various data sources, and then map that data into ServiceNow tables.
The import Sets table acts as a staging area for records imported from a data source.
External data set: JDBC, HTTP/FTP, EXCEL, CSV, XML
Import set table
- Data Source
- Load data - Create new, Use existing
- Import Set Table (source table)
- Transform Map
- Target Table
- Auto Mapping Fields
- Mapping Assist
- Transform
- Coalesce - coalescing on a field (or set of table) means the field will be used as a unique key. If a match is found using the coalesce field, the existing record will be updated with the information being imported. if a match is not found, then a new record will be inserted into the database.
- Choice Actions create - update - ignore - will ignore field reject - will delete the entire row
- Transform Script
- sys_user
- cmn_department
- cmn_location
- sys_user_group
- sys_user_grmember
- core_company
- sc_request
- sc_req_item
- sc_task
- change_request
- incident
- problem
- knowledge
- sys_dictionary
- sys_db_object
- domain
- company
- location
- department
- cost center
- users
- groups
- group membership
- user roles
- SLA (contract_sla, task_sla)
Table Name -
Language - en
Element - backed name
Value - make
Label - Make
Dependent Value - Subcategory
Choice List is Process
An update set is a group of customization's that can be moved from one instance to another.
only process will capture in update set
data is not capture in update set
both instance version & patch should be same
maximum of more than 100 records. This maximum value helps to prevent conflicts and makes review the update set easier.
Ensure that all base system records have matching sys_id fileds. Some vase system records are created on an instance after provisioning and do not match between different instances, leading to problems with update sets. The best way to avoid this issue is to:
Provision production and sub-production instances.
clone production instance onto the sub-production instances.
identify a common path for update sets to move from instance to instance and maintain that model. never migrate the same update set from multiple sources. Best practice is to move update sets from dev to test and then from test to production.
Plan for when to commit the update set to production. Avoid committing an update set to a production instance during business hours. The instance may perform slower temporarily as the update set applies.
Make sure update set names are clear. Create a naming convention to coordinate changes from multiple developers and to reference when committing the changes to another instance.
If update sets are being generated as fixes for problems, consider including the problem ticket in the name (for example, PR10005 - Duplicate Email Issues Fix)
If more than one update set is needed to address a problem, include a sequence number in the naming convention so that update sets are applied in the order that they were crested (for example, PR1005 - Duplicate Email Issues Fix and PR1005.2 - Duplicate Email Issues Fix)
Do not delete update set. If an update set is deleted, any updated records may be overwritten in the next update
Do not back out the Default update set, This action causes damage to the system.
Do not mark an update set as Complete until it is ready to migrate. Once an update set is complete, do not change it back to In Progress. Instead, create another update set for the rest of the changes, and make sure to commit them together in the other that they were created. Naming conventions may help in this case (for example, Performance Enhancements and Performance Enhancements)
Do not manually merge updates into an update set. Always use the Merge Update Sets Module. This tool compares duplicate files between update sets and selects the newest version.
The Graphical Workflow engine automates multi-step processes. Each workflow has a sequence of activities.
Defining Workflow Properties
Adding Workflow Activities
Publishing Workflow
- Activity Creator
- Webservice
- Workflow Admin
- publish
- workflow_admin
- Notifications are important communication tool that keep users informed of events that concern them.
- Notifications can be triggered by events in the platform, but unlike business Rules, require no scripting knowledge and can also be created for conditions.
- Meeting Invitation
- Configured users
- Voluntary Recipients
- An event is an indication to the ServiceNow processes that something notable had occurred.
- User Actions : Logging in, approving a request, renaming an attachment
- Scripts: Business Rules, Workflows
- Script / Business Rules / Workflow >> Event Queue >> Script Actions / Email Notification
- Events will not deleted, but relevant logs can delete. Schedule Script
- Cleanup >> archive or delete permantally
- SNTP - Send
- POP3 - Received
- Configure Email Properties
- Create Events and Business Rules
- Create Email Notifications
- Configure Email Addresses and Subscribe to Notifications
- Create or update ServiceNow Records via Email
Short messaging service (SMS) is the standard protocol used to deliver short text messages to cell phones.
- Create Events and Business Rules
- Create Notifications for Users
- Create a SMS device
- Subscribe to the Notification
- Defines a set of amount for a task to reach a certain condition.
- SLA Definition
- Task SLA
- SLA Workflow
- SLA Automation
- Start conditions
- Pause conditions
- Stop conditions
- Reset conditions
- Base Table
- Child Table
- Dictionary Override
- incident
- problem
- change
- Extends
- Extensible
- Application
- Create Menu
- Access Control List
- Application Access (create, update, read,
- Column Label
- Type
- Refrence
- Max Length
- Default Value
- Display
The GildeSystem (referred by the variable name 'gs' in Business Rules) provides a number of convenient methods to get information about the system, the current logged in user, etc. It turns or Server side are used in Business Rules
- General funcitons
- Date and Time functions
- A business rule is a server-side script that runs when a record is displayed, inserted, or deleted, or created, or when a table is queried. Use business rules to accomplish tasks like automatically changing values in form fields when certain conditions are met, or to create events for email notifications and script actions.
Note: Business rules can make use of scripts to take actions on records in the database. However, there are several other scripting options available on the ServiceNow Platform, such as client scripts and UI Actions.
- Before -
- Atfer
- Async
- Diplay
- insert
- update
- delete
- query
- Store JavaScript for execution on the server
- Each script include defines either an object class or a function
- Must be called to run
- Resuable (Write Once Use Many)
- Only loaded on Request
- Can be client callable
- Mandatory
- ReadOnly
- Visble
- A button on a form
- A context menu item on a form
- A related link in a form
- A button in the banner on the top of a list
- A context menu item on a form
- A related link at the bottom of a list
- A menu item for the action choice list at the bottom of a list
Security Rules defined and set at the Row Level Access (access to the record) and at the Column Level (access to the field) and is executed when attempting to acc
- Conditional Expressions
- Scripts
- Roles
- Table.None (All rows & Column)
- Table.* (all the fields, column level access)
- Table.field (specific field level access)
- table.field
- parent.field
- *.field
- table.*
- parent.*
- ✱.✱
- Start
- User request access to an object
- Find ACL rules matching object
- Evaluate permissions of matching
- Provides a catalogue of services to all IT users.
- User-friendly interface for requesting and tracking requests.
- Capability to ore-configure system driven approvals
- Automated routing of requests to the support teams and elimination of wrong prioritization and categorization by support teams.
- Reduction in cycle time for SR complication
- incident task
- process of flow
- workflow
- Customer
- Service Management System
- Workflow
- New request confirmation Email to Customer
- New Service Request item
- Approval Required?
- Authorization Request Emailed to Approves
- Approval Deny or Customer Portal
- Approved
- New Calatlog Task
- Close Catalog Task
- Simple
- Complex
- Composite
- Service Request (sc_req)
- Service Item (sc_req_items)
- Request Task (sc_task)
- catalog
- category
- workflow
- execution plan
- picture - items
Display Title
Layout - 1 Column Wide, 2 Column wide, alternating sides, 2 columns
entitlement script used for domain field
out of box no domain fields
Type Specification
Default Value
- user reference qualifier
- Default value (javascript: gs.getUser();
- items
- variable set
- DC - Domain Control
- OU - Organization Unit (users)
- DN -
- RDN - Related
- LDN - Login Distinct Name
- CN - Common Name
- UPN - User Profile Name (Unique ID)
- Source - Store in the ServiceNow
- Active Directory is server (load balancing)
- LDAP is protocol to access the Active Directory
- CN = Gaurav, OU = users, DC = IT
- Data Population
- Authentication
- An LDAP v3 compliant directory services server
- Allows inbound network access (enable SNOW IP and ports) through the firewall of customer network
- The external IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the LDAP server
- A read-only LDAP account for Secure connection between Service Now and LDAP Server’s over internet
- A PKI SSL certificate is required, to secure communication
- 389
- 636 (with s)
- tcp layer needs to open
- SSL certificate Type(x.509) - Format (.DER - attach or .PEM - Copy & Paste)
- Mid server integration with discovery -tommorow
- Load X.509 Certificate for SSL
- Create Server
- LDAP Configuration
- OU Definitions
- Define Data source
- Define Transform map
- Create a Schedule
- connection timeout - seconds
- Read timeout - seconds
- Lister -
- listen interval - mintue
- paging - lezzy loading
- SSL -
- Discovery is contains the all the CI Server.
- Probe - probing for information
- Sensor - execute the information
- Firewall
- MID Server
- Proxy Server
- WMI - Windows Server
- SNMP -
- TCP -
- SSH -
- External Authentication, also referred to as SSO(Single Sing-on), is a method of access control that enables a user to login in once and gain access to the resources of multiple software systems without being prompted to log in again.
- Enable external authentication' property needs to be enabled for Single Sing-on.
- Administrator may need to bypass external authentication when testing an SSO integration. Administrators can use the following URL to bypass external authentication and log in with a local ServiceNow user (side_door.do)
- A Web Service is an HTTP-based communication method that lets diverse applications exchange information and talk to each other.
- Inbound Web Service
- Outbound Web Service
- Publisher of Web Services (Provider/Producing)
- Consumer of Web Services (Consuming)
- SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
- XML - Extensible Markup Language
- WSDL - Web Services Description Language
- HTTP - Hyper text Transfer Protocol
- Direct
- Mapped
- Scripted
- Inbound email actions enable an administrator to define the actions ServiceNow takes when receiving email. Inbound email actions are similar to business rules, using both conditions and scripts.
- New
- Reply
- Forward
- [email protected]
- Globallly
- report creator
- more specific
- group
- List
- Column and bar Charts
- Pie
- Dials
- on-demand
- schedule
- Excel
- Monitor Ping Times (150 ms)
- Running a Trace route (tracert instance.service-now.com)
- Monitor Response Times
- Track System Trasaction Logs (System Logs >> Transactions)
- Compressing Data
- Caching items from Secure Websites