Live demo: Database:
- Open the live demo link and click the green run button (its slow, takes about 5 seconds after clicking the button). Follow the on-screen prompts.
- Open the database link (opens database hosted by
- Verify any changes made to the table via the UI are reflected in the database.
Project goals:
- Learn how to integrate Postgresql with Python.
- Use Python to write directly to a database.
- All interactions between the Python program and the database are printed on the console. This includes: establishing a connection to the database, committing updates, closing the connection at the end of the session.
- The UI and database connection are both classes are made by creating object instances.
- The UI was built using the Tkinter module in Python. It looks better when rendered locally using a Python compiler like PyCharm. At this point, I have decided to not rebuild the UI for a web app since the focus of this project is working with databases, Python and Postgresql.