This is a test project. You can find the requirements in
Note: There was a requirement to use MVVM presentation pattern.
Note: KLM Houses app has been updated design recently, so I've used the most matching version 1.8.0 as a reference.
Project consists of one Gradle module.
Main sources are located under app/src/main.
Packages are organized by screen:
- - grid list of cards
- - card preview with swipe support
- - card details screen
Unit tests are located under app/src/test.
Programming language - Kotlin
Kotlin enables me to write less code and also supports many things that would look overcomplicated in Java. -
Thread management - Kotlin Coroutines
Coroutines are great for running async code in background. Also they are promoted by Google and have support in Architecure components. -
Dependency provisioning - Koin
Koin intensively uses language features of Kotlin to make dependency declaration and injection as fluent as possible. It can be less powerful than Dagger for some edge cases, but for small and medium sized projects it's good enough. -
Presentation pattern - MVVM with Android Architecure Components
I've implemented MVVM by Google recommendations with LiveData, ViewModel and other architecture components. -
Image loading - Glide
Glide is one of several options for image loading. I've chosen it because I have more experience with it, than with Picasso or Fresco. -
Storage - Shared Preferences
There is no need to design a database for this scale of data. Ideally, data processing like sorting and filtering should be implemented by backend, so I need to store locally only favorites and probably some cache. -
JSON parser - GSON
There are alternatives like Moshi and Jackson, but I'm usually using GSON in projects and didn't notice any issues with it. -
Unit tests - JUnit, Mockito
It is the only mainstream choice to write unit tests.
Project is implemented with Ktor framework.
Source code is located under CardsAPI.
Currently it is just returning cards.json content.
It is not finished because of limited time, but I will finish it anyway, because Ktor looks really interesting.
Source code: MIT
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