Contributors: gratrockstar
Plugin Site:
Tags: Social Media, Widgets
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.9.6
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv3
License URI:
Simple configurable Wordpress Widget for showing icon links to social media services.
This plugin adds a simple configurable widget that shows a list of icon links to social media services. There is no css provided, so you can customize the look of the widgets, however some basic Bootstrap classes are provided as defaults. Includes filters for customizing services, icons, icon dimensions, and much more:
- social_links_widget_services(array): Alter the array of services available.
- social_links_widget_service_image_dimensions(array): Alter the height and width applied to icons
- social_links_widget_service_icons(array): Alter the array of icons used for each service. Defaults to an svg, keyed by service. These icons come from
- social_links_widget_title(string): Alter the widget title (defaults to title set in widget settings)
- social_links_widget_list_classes(array): Alter the classes of the list parent (ul).
- social_links_widget_list_item_classes(array): Alter the classes for each list item.
- social_links_widget_html(string, $args, $instance): Alter the final HTML output of the widget. Filter receives html string, passed $args, and passed $instance.
Simple to install, just like other plugins.
- Download and unzip the plugin
- Copy the unzipped folder in your Plugins directory (wp-content/plugins)
- Activate the plugin through the plugin window in the admin panel
- Configure the widget settings through Appearance->Widgets in the admin panel
For Issues/Feature Requests, submit an issue here.
- Initial Release