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New unpaved rendering
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sommerluk committed Aug 7, 2022
1 parent 4b58c59 commit fa23384
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Showing 22 changed files with 1,316 additions and 44 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
FROM ubuntu:bionic
FROM ubuntu:focal

# Style dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
ca-certificates curl gnupg postgresql-client python3 python3-distutils \
fonts-hanazono fonts-noto-cjk fonts-noto-hinted fonts-noto-unhinted \
mapnik-utils nodejs npm ttf-unifont unzip && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
mapnik-utils nodejs npm ttf-unifont unzip git && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Kosmtik with plugins, forcing prefix to /usr because bionic sets
# Kosmtik with plugins, forcing prefix to /usr because Ubuntu sets
# npm prefix to /usr/local, which breaks the install
RUN npm set prefix /usr && npm install -g kosmtik
# We install kosmtik not from release channel, but directly from a specific commit on github.
RUN npm set prefix /usr && npm install -g "git+https://[email protected]/kosmtik/kosmtik.git#f176c4c"

WORKDIR /usr/lib/node_modules/kosmtik/
RUN kosmtik plugins --install kosmtik-overpass-layer \
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ scripts/
## Dependencies

For development, a style design studio is needed.
* [Kosmtik]( - Kosmtik can be launched with `node index.js serve path/to/openstreetmap-carto/project.mml`
* [Kosmtik]( - Kosmtik can be launched with `node index.js serve path/to/openstreetmap-carto/project.mml` The 0.0.17 release of Kosmtik is not enough because we need up-to-date CartoCSS and Mapnik versions. To install the current master branch of Kosmtik, you can clone the Kosmtik repository and execute `npm install` within it.

[TileMill]( is not officially supported, but you may be able to use a recent TileMill version by copying or symlinking the project directly into your Mapbox/project directory.

Expand All @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Some colours, SVGs and other files are generated with helper scripts. Not all us

For deployment, CartoCSS and Mapnik are required.

* [CartoCSS]( >= 0.18.0 (we're using YAML)
* [Mapnik]( >= 3.0
* [CartoCSS]( >= 1.2.0 *(we're using YAML)*
* [Mapnik]( >= 3.0.22

With CartoCSS you compile these sources into a Mapnik compatible XML file. When running CartoCSS, specify the Mapnik API version you are using (at least 3.0.0: `carto -a "3.0.0"`).
With CartoCSS you compile these sources into a Mapnik compatible XML file. When running CartoCSS, specify the Mapnik API version you are using (at least 3.0.22: `carto -a "3.0.22"`).
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ to reload their databases, v3.x compatibility is not maintained.

The v5.x series updates Lua tag transforms, linestring and polygon decisions have changed.

## Mapnik and CartoCSS update (v6.x)

The v6.x series was triggered by an update to the required Mapnik and CartoCSS

There are over [500 open requests](, some that have been open for years.
These need reviewing and dividing into obvious fixes, or additional new features
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38 changes: 29 additions & 9 deletions project.mml
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Expand Up @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ Layer:
CASE WHEN substring(feature for 8) = 'railway_' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END,
CASE WHEN feature IN ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 'railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 'railway_tram-service') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,
CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END
CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
) AS tunnels
cache-features: true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -735,7 +735,12 @@ Layer:
CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground',
'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay', 'ice', 'snow') THEN 'unpaved'
WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes',
'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood', 'unhewn_cobblestone') THEN 'paved'
END AS int_surface,
WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text
WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text
Expand All @@ -758,7 +763,7 @@ Layer:
CASE WHEN substring(feature for 8) = 'railway_' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END,
CASE WHEN feature IN ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 'railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 'railway_tram-service') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,
CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END,
CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
) AS roads_sql
Expand All @@ -780,8 +785,14 @@ Layer:
AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL)
AND (covered NOT IN ('yes') OR covered IS NULL))
THEN railway END)),
(('aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway', 'helipad') THEN aeroway END))
) AS feature
(('aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway', 'helipad') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END))
) AS feature,
CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground',
'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay', 'ice', 'snow') THEN 'unpaved'
WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes',
'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood', 'unhewn_cobblestone') THEN 'paved'
END AS int_surface
FROM planet_osm_polygon
WHERE highway IN ('pedestrian', 'footway', 'service', 'living_street', 'platform', 'services')
OR (railway IN ('platform')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -974,7 +985,7 @@ Layer:
CASE WHEN substring(feature for 8) = 'railway_' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END,
CASE WHEN feature IN ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 'railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 'railway_tram-service') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,
CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END
CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
) AS bridges
cache-features: true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1019,11 +1030,20 @@ Layer:
bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct') AS bridge
bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct') AS bridge,
CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground',
'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay', 'ice', 'snow') THEN 'unpaved'
WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes',
'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood', 'unhewn_cobblestone') THEN 'paved'
END AS int_surface
FROM planet_osm_line
WHERE aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway')
CASE WHEN aeroway = 'runway' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
CASE WHEN aeroway = 'runway' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground',
'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay', 'ice', 'snow') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
) AS aeroways
cache-features: true
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143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Colours for unpaved roads

# This reads some color variables from some .mss files and also reads
# symbols/unpaved/unpaved.svg and generates colourized versions of
# the unpaved pattern for all road types and saves them in the symbols/unpaved
# folder. Existing files of the same name are overwritten!
# This script produces patterns that perceptually have the same overall
# brightness as the original road color. Therefor, the pattern foreground
# is darker than the original color, and the pattern background lighter than
# the original color. This script does its very best, but the same overall
# brightness is not always possible (for example for white roads) and also
# depends on the monitor gammut on which the pattern is finally displayed.
# Usage: Call this script in the main directory of openstreetmap-carto
# without further parameters.
# Customize:
# You can customize this script by changing the first variables of in the main()
# function (color_names, file_names, darken, brighten_darken_ratio).

from colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColor
from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color

# def get_color_value_by_name(variable_name, file_names):
# Searches in MSS files for variable values with the given name. Returns
# the first value it finds. Only supports very basic syntax like:
# @test: 12; # Comment
# which would return "12".
# Paramaters:
# variable_name: the name of the variable for which we search the value
# file_names: list of files where we search for the variable value
# Return value: the variable value (if any)
def get_color_value_by_name(variable_name, file_names):
for files in file_names:
with open(files) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("@" + variable_name + ":"):
temp = line.strip("@" + variable_name + ":").split(";")[0].strip()
# test if the value length is okay (#abc or #aabbcc)
if (len(temp) == 4) or (len(temp)== 7):
# remove the first character (#)
temp = temp[1:]
# expand value like #abc to #aabbcc
if len(temp) == 3:
temp = temp[0] + temp [0] + temp [1] + temp [1] + temp [2] + temp [2]
# make sure that the content is really a (lowercase) hex value
if all(c in set("0123456789abcdef") for c in temp):
# if so, return the hex value with a leading "#"
return ("#" + temp)

# Takes an RGB hex values, applies the indicated Lab lightness change and returns the result as RGB hex value again
# def change_lightness(base_color_rgb_hex, lightness_change):
# Changes the lightness of a given color. This function
# tries to do a perceptual transformation.
# Paramaters:
# base_color_rgb_hex: An RGB hex value like #1212ab
# lightness_change: A number (positive or negative), interpreted as change to the lightness component like in Lab perceptual color space (range: 0..100)
# Return value: The RGB hex value with the lightness change applied. If the lightness change leaves
# us with an out-of-gammut value, it is clipped to make sure to be within the RGB gammut. So the return
# value is guarantied to be always a valid RGB value.
def change_lightness(base_color_rgb_hex, lightness_change):
base_color_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor.new_from_rgb_hex(base_color_rgb_hex), LabColor)
new_color_lab = LabColor(
base_color_lab.lab_l + lightness_change, # This value might be out of gammut and therefor invalid
new_color_rgb = convert_color(new_color_lab, sRGBColor) # This value might be out of gammut and therefor invalid
# use the "clamped" values which means they are within the gammut and therefor valid
new_color_rgb_clamped = sRGBColor(
return new_color_rgb_clamped.get_rgb_hex()

def main():

# List of names of color variables in mss code for which we will generate patterns
color_names = {

# List of names of mss files in which we search for color variables
file_names = {

# The value by which the original color is darkened for the pattern foreground
# This value should always be negative.
darken = -60

# The pattern foreground occupies less space than the background. So lightening
# the background has to be less intense than darkening the foreground. This
# value is multiplied with the negative value of "darken" to get a value for
# "brighten", so brighten_darken_ration must also be negative to make sure
# the "brighten" result is positive. This value should (only) be changed when
# the pattern itself is changed.
brighten_darken_ratio = -0.065

# actual code
for color_name in color_names:
print("\nColor name: " + color_name)
original_color_value = get_color_value_by_name(color_name, file_names)
print("Plain color: " + original_color_value)
pattern_colors = [change_lightness(original_color_value, darken),
change_lightness(original_color_value, darken * brighten_darken_ratio)]
print("Colors for pattern: " + str(pattern_colors))
if pattern_colors:
with open('symbols/unpaved/unpaved.svg', 'rt') as fin:
with open('symbols/unpaved/unpaved_' + color_name + '.svg', 'wt') as fout:
for line in fin:
temp = line
temp = temp.replace('#0000ff', pattern_colors[0])
temp = temp.replace('fill:none', 'fill:' + pattern_colors[1])
print("Pattern file: " + 'symbols/unpaved/unpaved_' + color_name + '.svg')

if __name__ == "__main__":

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