This is a simple tool that helps you effectively utilize multiple GPUs to run tasks.
git clone && cd simple_gpu_scheduler && pip install .
pip install sgs@git+
usage: [-h] -f COMMANDS (-p NUM_PGPUS | -g GPU_IDS) [-v NUM_VGPUS]
Run commands on multiple GPUs.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f COMMANDS, --commands COMMANDS
Path to command file.
-p NUM_PGPUS, --num_pgpus NUM_PGPUS
Number of physical GPUs to use.
-g GPU_IDS, --gpu_ids GPU_IDS
Comma-separated list of GPU IDs to use (e.g., '0,1,2'). Use '-' to specify ranges (e.g., '0,2-4,7' is equivalent to '0,2,3,4,7').
-v NUM_VGPUS, --num_vgpus NUM_VGPUS
Number of virtual GPUs to use.