I have a script that manages all my tools' palette. For this reason, I wanted a colorscheme that changed accordingly too. This accomplishes just that, while also never changing the actual colorscheme: the color "green" will change, but what is displayed as "green" will not.
To use this, you have to call setup with a lua path to you palette: if your palette
is in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/lua/config/palette.lua
, then (using lazy.nvim) you would call
return {
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {
palette_path = "config.palette",
Here is an example of a palette:
-- must return the palette
return {
-- base 16 colors
main = {
extras = {
accent = "#24837b", -- used to display some things like current line nr, LSP server..
inactivelinenr = "#877b5b", -- color for numbers other than current line
comment = "#746a4f", -- comments color
split = "#9b8d67", -- color for split separator
cursorline = "#15221c", -- color for cursorline. I like to set it same as accent, but dimmed
Note that this supports hot reloading, so if you change the palette and then set again the colorscheme (e.g. :colorscheme custom16<CR>
), it will update the colors immediately.