haskell-prefork is a library for preforking daemons.
Execute the cabal install command and the library and example programs will be placed into your .cabal directory.
> git clone .../haskell-prefork.git
> cd haskell-prefork/
> cabal install --only-dependencies --extra-include-dirs=/usr/local/include/zookeeper # if you use brew on Mac OSX
> cabal install --fsample
Import System.Prefork in your Main module.
import System.Prefork
Define data type used for server configuration.
data Config = Config {
cWarpSettings :: Warp.Settings
Define workers as a data type that belongs to 'WorkerContext' class. In this case, the field 'wId' is a ID number for identifying a single worker process and other fields are parameters for a worker process.
data Worker = Worker {
wId :: Int
, wPort :: Int
, wSocketFd :: CInt
, wHost :: String
, wCap :: Int
} deriving (Show, Read)
instance WorkerContext Worker where
rtsOptions w = ["-N" ++ show (wCap w)]
Define Eq and Ord instances for Worker. These are required for using 'relaunchSettings'.
instance Eq Worker where
(==) a b = wId a == wId b
instance Ord Worker where
compare a b = compare (wId a) (wId b)
In your 'main' function, call 'defaultMain' with 'update' and 'fork' functions. 'relaunchSettings' is a function that creates convenient settings for a typical prefork server.
main :: IO ()
main = do
option <- cmdArgs cmdLineOptions
resource <- emptyPreforkResource
mSoc <- newTVarIO Nothing
let s = Server mSoc (port option) (workers option)
defaultMain (relaunchSettings resource (update s) (fork s)) $ \(Worker { wId = i, wSocketFd = fd }) -> do
-- worker action
soc <- mkSocket fd AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol Listening
mConfig <- updateConfig s
case mConfig of
Just config -> do
a <- asyncOn i $ Warp.runSettingsSocket (cWarpSettings config) soc $ serverApp
wait a
Nothing -> return ()
The 'update' function is used to modify the worker process configuration. You can configure the number of workers and change other worker parameters by using the 'updateWorkerSet' function shown below.
update :: Server -> PreforkResource Worker -> IO (Maybe Config)
update s resource = do
mConfig <- updateConfig s
updateWorkerSet resource $ flip map [0..(sWorkers s - 1)] $ \i ->
Worker { wId = i, wPort = (sPort s), wSocketFd = -1, wHost = \"localhost\", wCap = sWorkers s }
return (mConfig)
The 'fork' function creates a worker process with the given parameters. You should call 'forkWorkerProcess' or 'forkWorkerProcessWithArgs' in this function to invoke a child process as a worker. In the example below, 'forkWorkerProcessWithArgs' is used to create child processes that outputs its id number.
fork :: Server -> Worker -> IO (ProcessID)
fork Server { sServerSoc = socVar } w = do
msoc <- readTVarIO socVar
soc <- case msoc of
Just soc -> return (soc)
Nothing -> do
hentry <- getHostByName (wHost w)
soc <- listenOnAddr (SockAddrInet (fromIntegral (wPort w)) (head $ hostAddresses hentry))
atomically $ writeTVar socVar (Just soc)
return (soc)
let w' = w { wSocketFd = fdSocket soc }
forkWorkerProcessWithArgs (w') [\"id=\" ++ show (wId w') ]
Please see warp.hs in sample/ for further information.
prefork-sample-simple is a very simple example that showcases the basic features of this library.
> prefork-sample-simple
Please send SIGHUP to 12345 to relaunch a worker <- parent process
"Hello. I'm a worker." <- child process
Open another terminal and send SIGHUP to the child process.
> kill -HUP 12345
The message will be output again.
Please send SIGHUP to 12345 to relaunch a worker <- parent process
"Hello. I'm a worker." <- child process
"Hello. I'm a worker." <- another child process
prefork-sample-warp is a slightly more complex and practical example that showcases the relaunch feature.
> prefork-sample-warp -p 3000 -w 5
Open another terminal and execute the ps command to see the parent and child processes.
> ps ax
17307 s017 S+ 0:00.02 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp -p 3000 -w 5
17308 s017 S+ 0:00.07 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=0 +RTS -N5 -RTS
17309 s017 S+ 0:00.04 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=1 +RTS -N5 -RTS
17310 s017 S+ 0:00.05 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=2 +RTS -N5 -RTS
17311 s017 S+ 0:00.10 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=3 +RTS -N5 -RTS
17312 s017 S+ 0:00.04 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=4 +RTS -N5 -RTS
Kill one of them.
> kill 17310
> ps ax
17307 s017 S+ 0:00.03 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp -p 3000 -w 5
17308 s017 S+ 0:00.27 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=0 +RTS -N5 -RTS
17309 s017 S+ 0:00.21 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=1 +RTS -N5 -RTS
17311 s017 S+ 0:00.51 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=3 +RTS -N5 -RTS
17312 s017 S+ 0:00.48 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=4 +RTS -N5 -RTS
18697 s017 S+ 0:00.03 .cabal-sandbox/bin/prefork-sample-warp id=2 +RTS -N5 -RTS
The process with id number 2 would have been relaunched by the parent process.