Dynamic DNS service backed by AWS Route 53.
This app will update a DNS record on Route 53 with your current IP.
$ curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/gregarmer/packages/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
$ curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/gregarmer/packages/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash
Follow the installation steps above.
Configure ~/.r53dyndns or r53dyndns.cfg - something like this:
{ "aws_access_key": "UBGKJEBGKE56783JHVFW", "aws_secret_key": "webgrwebgjwbewegfkeg" }
r53dyndns -d your.domain.com
$ r53dyndns -h
Usage of r53dyndns:
-c string path to the config file (default "~/.r53dyndns")
-d string domain to update
-v be verbose
-c config.cfg
is optional. If you don't specify a config it'll default to
The -v
parameter will make r53dyndns be verbose about what is actually