A set of helper classes and functions that make it easier to work with threads in Python.
- do_threaded_work - Makes it easy to parallelize mapping a given work function across a set of work items (without preserving order).
- ThreadedWorker - Makes it easy to create a thread that will pull work from a syncronized work_queue and write it to a syncronized result_queue.
- start_logging_with_thread_info - Helper to add thread id to all log messages. (may fail in some logging environments)
- stop_logging_with_thread_info - Helper to remove thread id from all log messages. (may fail in some logging environments)
import Queue
urls_to_process = ["http://url1.com", "http://url2.com", "http://site1.com", "http://site2.com"]
work_queue = Queue.Queue()
result_queue = Queue.Queue()
def process_url(url):
# TODO: Do some work with the url
return url
def main():
# spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance
for i in range(5):
t = ThreadedWorker(work_queue, result_queue, work_func=process_url)
# populate queue with data
for url in urls_to_process:
# wait on the queue until everything has been processed
# print results
print repr(result_queue)