Purpose of this project is to provide a utility to validate Winrm network and security settings outside of Harness using common network utilities like ping , curl e.t.c
It will do the following tests in order
Connect to the Winrm socket to check if open (analogous to telnet to port) check port 5985 and port 5986
Do a curl to the address to check if Winrm will accept default Winrm soap request
Finally attempt to connect via WINRM4J
How do you run the test ?
java -jar WinRM-Tester-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
i.e. java -jar WinRM-Tester-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar WORKGROUP Administrator Password
All details will be logged to standard out .
Note: in some cases because of a bug in the WINRM4J library you will need to prefix the domain with ./