This bundle provides multiple file uploads, based on the BlueImp jQuery file uploader package. It provides also Aviary editing image functionnalities.
###Step 1
With Composer:
Add this line in your composer.json file: "appventus/aviary-bundle" : "dev-master"
Declare the bundle in your AppKernel.php: public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( [...] new AppVentus\AviaryBundle\AviaryBundle(), [...]
###Step 2 : Entity
In your YourEntity.php, add a OneToOne Relation with a Gallery
* @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="Appventus\AviaryBundle\Entity\Gallery", cascade={"persist"})
private $gallery;
* Set gallery
* @param \Appventus\AviaryBundle\Entity\Gallery $gallery
* @return Product
public function setGallery(\Appventus\AviaryBundle\Entity\Gallery $gallery = null)
$this->gallery = $gallery;
return $this;
* Get gallery
* @return \Appventus\AviaryBundle\Entity\Gallery
public function getGallery()
return $this->gallery;
###Step 3 : Form Type
In your YourEntityType.php, add the GalleryType use Appventus\AviaryBundle\Form\GalleryType; class YourEntityType extends AbstractType { /** * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder * @param array $options */ public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder [...] ->add('gallery', new GalleryType()) [...] ; } }
###Step 4
Add "aviary.uploadpath" parameter to your config.yml :
aviary.uploadpath: /
And add "AviaryBundle:Form:fields.html.twig" to your twig.yml :
- 'AviaryBundle:Form:fields.html.twig'
###Step 5 : Add styles and scripts
####AsseticInjectorBundle way
If You have installed our insanous AsseticInjectorBundle bundle:
1. You are awesome ;)
2. you just have to add the injector tags in your javascript (injector="aviary_scripts") and stylesheet (injector="aviary_styles") blocks.
####The poor, bad and ancestral way !
1. Just add in your assetic
{% javascripts
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
2. Just add in your assetic
{% stylesheets
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
{% endstylesheets %}
###Step 6 : The Form ! {{ form_start(form, {'method': 'POST', 'attr' : {'id' : 'fileupload'}}) }} {{ form_widget(form.gallery) }} {{ form_rest(form) }} {{ form_end(form) }}
###Step 7 : Optionnal
Additional configuration :
Files will be inside /web/bundles/aviary/jQuery-File-Upload-9.5.8/server/php/files/
You can customize move uploaded pictures in another directory with a listener.