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Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade

- Fix neural network inability to stake superblocks
- Require superblocks to be populated with more than half of the
whitelisted projects
- Add subfolders to Neural Network
  • Loading branch information
gridcoin committed Jul 15, 2017
1 parent cfc0420 commit b4222ed
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Showing 8 changed files with 241 additions and 73 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions contrib/Installer/GridcoinInstaller/GridcoinResearch.vdproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1109,19 +1109,19 @@
"Name" = "8:Microsoft Visual Studio"
"ProductName" = "8:Gridcoin Research"
"ProductCode" = "8:{63ED5B90-8681-4D08-A77F-D72404912CE5}"
"PackageCode" = "8:{9605A396-4356-4926-81F1-53F0A704C49B}"
"ProductCode" = "8:{EB16F04D-5B36-4513-AFF5-6633C440C80A}"
"PackageCode" = "8:{2229A482-65D3-48D5-B16D-A1857C2FAEA9}"
"UpgradeCode" = "8:{9617E9EA-252F-43CE-B53E-B48C85F71192}"
"AspNetVersion" = "8:4.0.30319.0"
"RestartWWWService" = "11:FALSE"
"RemovePreviousVersions" = "11:TRUE"
"DetectNewerInstalledVersion" = "11:FALSE"
"InstallAllUsers" = "11:TRUE"
"ProductVersion" = "8:42.6"
"ProductVersion" = "8:42.7"
"Manufacturer" = "8:GridcoinResearch"
"Title" = "8:Gridcoin Research 42.6"
"Title" = "8:Gridcoin Research 42.7"
"Subject" = "8:"
"ARPCONTACT" = "8:The Gridcoin Developers"
"Keywords" = "8:Gridcoin Research"
Expand Down

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion contrib/Installer/boinc/boinc/Utilization.vb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Public Class Utilization
Private mlSpeakMagnitude As Double
Public ReadOnly Property Version As Double
Return 412
Return 416
End Get
End Property

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,6 +217,9 @@ Public Class Utilization
Dim sHash As String = clsQHA.QuorumHashingAlgorithm(sContract)
Return sHash
End Function
Public Sub ExportToCSVFile()
End Sub
Public Function GetNeuralContract() As String
Dim sContract As String = GetMagnitudeContract()
Return sContract
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,6 +512,10 @@ Public Class Utilization
Call UpdateMagnitudes()
End Sub
Public Function clsGetBoincProjectHash(sURL As String) As String
Dim c As New clsBoincProjectDownload
Return c.GetBoincProjectHash(sURL)
End Function
Public Sub AddressUserThread()
Log("Speaking " + Trim(mlSpeakMagnitude))
Expand Down
143 changes: 124 additions & 19 deletions contrib/Installer/boinc/boinc/clsBoincProjectDownload.vb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,22 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
End If
End Try
End Function
Public Function RetrieveCacheProjectFilename(sGzipUrl As String) As String
Dim sOut As String = Replace(sGzipUrl, "/", "[fslash]")
sOut = Replace(sOut, ":", "[colon]")
Dim sDayOfYear = Trim(Now.DayOfYear)
sOut = Replace(sOut, ".gz", sDayOfYear + "[!]gz")
sOut = Replace(sOut, ".", "[period]")
sOut = Replace(sOut, "[!]", ".")
Return sOut
End Function
Public Function GetFileAge(sPath As String) As Double
If File.Exists(sPath) = False Then Return 1000000
Dim fi As New FileInfo(sPath)
If fi.Length = 0 Then Return 1000000
Dim iMins As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, fi.LastWriteTime, Now)
Return iMins
End Function

Private Function AnalyzeProjectHeader(ByVal sGzipURL As String, ByRef sEtag As String, ByRef sEtagFilePath As String, ByVal sProjectName As String) As Integer
Expand All @@ -41,40 +57,43 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
sEtag = dictHeads("ETag")
Dim sTimestamp As String
sTimestamp = dictHeads("Last-Modified")

sEtag = Replace(sEtag, Chr(34), "")
sEtag = Replace(sEtag, "W", "")
Dim dStatus As Double = 0
Dim sGridcoinURL As String = "" + sEtag + ".gz"
Dim sGridcoinBaseUrl As String = ""
Dim sGridcoinURL As String = sGridcoinBaseUrl + sEtag + ".gz"
Dim dictHeadsGRC As Dictionary(Of String, String) = GetHttpResponseHeaders(sGridcoinURL)
Dim dLength1 As Double = dictHeads("Content-Length")
Dim dLength2 As Double = dictHeadsGRC("Content-Length")
' If Etag matches GRC's cache, and the filesize is the same use the GRCCache version to prevent DDosing the boinc servers (Gridcoin Foundation copies the files from the project sites to the Gridcoin.US web site once every 4 hours to help avoid stressing the project servers from the massive hit by our network)
Dim bCacheSiteHasSameFile As Boolean = (dLength2 > 0)
Dim sEtagOnFile As String = GetDataValue("etag", "tbetags", sGzipURL).DataColumn1
sEtagFilePath = ConstructTargetFileName(sEtag)

If sEtagOnFile = sEtag Then
Dim lAgeInMins As Long = GetFileAge(sEtagFilePath)
If sEtagOnFile = sEtag And lAgeInMins < SYNC_THRESHOLD Then
'We already have this file
Return 1
'We do not have this file
'Only update Stored Value after we retrieve the file
Dim sSourceURL As String = IIf(bCacheSiteHasSameFile, sGridcoinURL, sGzipURL)
Dim bStatus As Boolean = ResilientDownload(sSourceURL, sEtagFilePath, sGzipURL)
'Step 1, see if it exists in our cache before attempting to download from the project site
Dim sCacheFileName As String = RetrieveCacheProjectFilename(sGzipURL)
Dim bStatus As Boolean = ResilientDownload(sGridcoinBaseUrl + sCacheFileName, sEtagFilePath, sGridcoinBaseUrl + sCacheFileName)
If Not bStatus Then
Dim sSourceURL As String = IIf(bCacheSiteHasSameFile, sGridcoinURL, sGzipURL)
bStatus = ResilientDownload(sSourceURL, sEtagFilePath, sGzipURL)
End If
'If all bytes downloaded then store the etag in the local table
'Only update Stored Value after we retrieve the file
If bStatus Then
StoreValue("etag", "tbetags", sGzipURL, sEtag)
StoreValue("etag", "timestamps", sProjectName, sTimestamp)

StoreValue("etag", "tbetag2", sProjectName, sEtag)
'Save the Project Site GZ creation time
Return 2
Return 3
End If
End If

End Function
Public Function ResilientDownload(sSourceUrl As String, sEtagFilePath As String, sBackupURL As String) As Boolean
'Doing this just in case we ddos our own website and keep receiving 404 or 500 errors:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,6 +162,7 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
Dim sTeamEtagFilePath As String = ""
Dim iStatus As Integer = AnalyzeProjectHeader(sTeamGzipURL, sEtag, sTeamEtagFilePath, sProject)
Dim sProjectMasterFileName As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\" + sProject + ".master.dat"
'store etag by project also

If iStatus <> 1 Or Not File.Exists(sProjectMasterFileName) Then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,10 +199,11 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
'Scan for the Gridcoin team inside this project:
Dim sTeamPathUnzipped As String = Replace(sTeamEtagFilePath, ".gz", ".xml")
Dim sGzipPathUnzipped As String = Replace(sRacEtagFilePath, ".gz", ".xml")

Log("Determining Team ID for Project " + sProject + " " + sGzipURL)
Dim lTeamID As Long = GetTeamID(sTeamPathUnzipped)
'Create the project master file
If Not File.Exists(sProjectMasterFileName) Then
Log("Emitting Project File for Project " + sProject + " " + sGzipURL)
EmitProjectFile(sGzipPathUnzipped, GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\", sProject, lTeamID)
End If
Expand All @@ -193,7 +214,6 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload

'Verify all the files exist

Dim iTotalProjectsSynced As Integer = 0
'Create master database
Dim sNNFolder As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\"
Expand All @@ -204,12 +224,15 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
Dim fi As FileInfo
Dim sProjectLocal As String
msNeuralDetail = "Combining Project Data"
Log("Combining Project Data")

For Each fi In fiArr
If fi.Name Like "*.master.dat*" Then
sProjectLocal = Replace(fi.Name, ".master.dat", "")
iTotalProjectsSynced += 1
Dim sTimestamp As String = GetDataValue("etag", "timestamps", sProjectLocal).DataColumn1
Dim dtUTC As DateTime = GetUtcDateTime(CDate(sTimestamp))
'Log the md5 of the master project file so we can determine regional differences
Dim iRows As Long = 0
Using oStream As New System.IO.FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(oStream)
While objReader.EndOfStream = False
Expand All @@ -219,13 +242,15 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<user>", "<project><name>" + sProjectLocal + "</name><team_name>gridcoin</team_name>")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "</user>", "</project>")
'Dont bother writing timestamps older than 32 days since we base mag off of RAC (Filter RAC based on project header in UTC - RAC Updated UTC - BullShark)
Dim lRowAgeInMins = GetRowAgeInMins(sTemp, dtUTC)
If lRowAgeInMins < (60 * 24 * 32) Then
End If
iRows += 1
End While
End Using
Dim sHash As String = GetMd5OfFile(fi.FullName)
Dim sEtagOnFile As String = GetDataValue("etag", "tbetag2", sProjectLocal).DataColumn1
Dim sOut As String = "*** COMBINING PROJECT FILE " + fi.Name + ", MD5 HASH: " + sHash + ", ROWS: " + Trim(iRows) + ", ETAG: " + sEtagOnFile + " ***"
End If
Next fi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,7 +297,78 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
Return 0
End Function

Private Function HexStr(iByte As Integer) As String
Dim sOut As String = "00" + Hex(iByte)
Return sOut.Substring(Len(sOut) - 2, 2)
End Function
Private Function GetGZChecksum(sURL As String) As String
Dim dictHeads As Dictionary(Of String, String) = GetHttpResponseHeaders(sURL)
'Extract the checksum using an HTTP range request
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(sURL)
Dim hWRQ As HttpWebRequest = CType(request, HttpWebRequest)
Dim lStart As Long = Val(dictHeads("Content-Length")) - 8 '2byte magic is in header, 4 byte CRC-32 Checksum is at offset 0 in header, then 4 byte uncompressed data size
hWRQ.AddRange(lStart, lStart + 8)
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse
Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
Dim sPath As String = "c:\path.gz"
'6a d3 6d cc checksum
Dim fs As New FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Create)
Dim mBytes As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(sPath)
Dim ckLenBytes(3) As Byte
Array.Copy(mBytes, 4, ckLenBytes, 0, 4)
Dim sCRC As String = HexStr(mBytes(3)) + HexStr(mBytes(2)) + HexStr(mBytes(1)) + HexStr(mBytes(0))
Return sCRC
End Function
Public Function SlimifyBoincFile(sSourceUserFile As String, sDestUserFile As String, dtSyncTime As DateTime) As Boolean
Dim srProj As New StreamReader(sSourceUserFile)
Dim swProj As New StreamWriter(sDestUserFile, False)
Dim sUser As String = ""
While srProj.EndOfStream = False
Dim sTemp As String = srProj.ReadLine()
sUser += sTemp
If (sTemp.Contains("</user>") Or srProj.EndOfStream) Then
Dim sCpid As String = ExtractXML(sUser, "<cpid>")
Dim sRac As String = ExtractXML(sUser, "<expavg_credit>")
Dim sTime As String = ExtractXML(sUser, "<expavg_time>")
'Dim lAge As Double = GetRowAgeInMins(sUser, dtSyncTime)
If Val(sRac) > 10 Then
Dim sOut = sCpid + "," + sRac
End If
sUser = ""
End If
End While
Return True
End Function
'These functions are used to decentralize the Neural Network and therefore in the future it will not be necessary to have a centralized cache for boinc project files on, but the dev team is still testing these new features currently; They are approximately 50% complete.
Public Function GetBoincProjectHash(sBaseURL As String) As String
Dim sTeamUrl = sBaseURL + "team.gz"
Dim sGzFN As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\team_temp.gz"
Dim bStatus As Boolean = ResilientDownload(sTeamUrl, sGzFN, "")
ExtractGZipInnerArchive(sGzFN, GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\")
Dim sTPUZ As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\" + "team_temp.xml"
Dim lTeamID As Long = GetTeamID(sTPUZ)
Dim sUserUrl As String = sBaseURL + "user.gz"
Dim sUsFn As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\user_temp.gz"
bStatus = ResilientDownload(sUserUrl, sUsFn, "")
ExtractGZipInnerArchive(sUsFn, GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\")
Dim sUZ As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\" + "user_temp.xml"
'Slmify the user file, then gzip it, then get hash
Dim sOutFile As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\" + "slim1.xml"
Dim dictHeads As Dictionary(Of String, String) = GetHttpResponseHeaders(sUserUrl)
Dim sTimestamp As String = dictHeads("Last-Modified")
Dim dtUTC As DateTime = GetUtcDateTime(CDate(sTimestamp))
SlimifyBoincFile(sUZ, sOutFile, dtUTC)
'ReGzip this, then return the concatenated GZ hash + MD5 (uncompressed) + GZ Hash
Dim sNewGzFile As String = GetGridFolder() + "NeuralNetwork\" + "slim2.gz"
CreateGZ(sNewGzFile, sOutFile)
Dim sComplexHash As String = "MD5 Component " + " " + "GzComponentHash"
Return sComplexHash
End Function
Public Function GetTeamID(sPath As String) As Double
Dim swTeam As New StreamReader(sPath)
Dim sChunk As String = ""
Expand All @@ -296,7 +392,6 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
End If
End While

Dim vChunk2() As String
vChunk2 = Split(sChunk, "<team>")
If LCase(sChunk.Contains("gridcoin")) Then
Expand All @@ -323,6 +418,16 @@ Public Class clsBoincProjectDownload
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub CreateGZ(gzFilename As String, sourceFile As String)
Dim srcFile As System.IO.FileStream = File.OpenRead(sourceFile)
Dim zipFile As GZipOutputStream = New GZipOutputStream(File.Open(gzFilename, FileMode.Create))
Dim fileData As Byte() = New Byte(srcFile.Length) {}
srcFile.Read(fileData, 0, srcFile.Length)
zipFile.Write(fileData, 0, fileData.Length)
End Sub

Public Sub ExtractZipFile(archiveFilenameIn As String, outFolder As String, bCreateSkeletonDirs As Boolean, bKillOriginal As Boolean)
Dim zf As ZipFile = Nothing
Expand Down

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