Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade
- Advanced | Foundation | Expense Reimbursement Request: Added Username maintenance page to set your username. Added Expense Amount to Add, View and List pages. Fixed Expense Title width. Corrected problem with
submitting new expenses (preventing the Expense View page from working). - Fixed GRCRestarter block downloader percentage value (where it could exceed 100%).
- Block Syncing: Fixed a long standing bug where the wallet randomly stops asking for the best block. Additionally, when out of sync it will ask for missing blocks periodically. Made wallet more aware of clusters of orphans.
- Added 'execute restartclient' for windows for debugging.
- Modified getmininginfo and overview for Investors to say Staking Interest (instead of Boinc Mining) and removed Boinc Projects Exhaused for Investors. Removed Unable To Mine message for Investors.
- Moved unecessary logging to fDebug10=true. Added message to show the condition when Process Block succeeds and Set Best Chain fails.
- Added execute askforoutstandingblocks for debugging.