JSCanvasEngine is a simple open source HTML5 game framework (based on the canvas element). It currently supports desktop and mobile web browsers, but does not support touch. It is written entirely in a plain JavaScript.
The "examples" folder contains pages with examples of using the framework functions.
<script src="engine.js"></script>
<canvas id="canvasId" width="100" height="20"></canvas>
const CANVAS = new Canvas("canvasId")
const PLAYGROUND = new Playground(CANVAS)
PLAYGROUND.putObject(new Text(9, 2, "Hello World"))
# Playground is the main class and a kind of game container that contains one instance of the Canvas class.
# Playground itself does not provide methods to control the rendering properties of the game, but instead
# it executes `update(Canvas canvas)` and `render(Canvas canvas)` functions of each active object in all presented groups on each frame.
class Playground {
Playground(Canvas canvas)
Canvas canvas
Float timeDelta
Float FPS
Void putObject(Object object, [Symbol groupSymbol])
Void removeObject(Object objToRemove, Symbol groupSymbol)
Void clearObjects()
Void clearAllObjects()
Void createCustomGroup(Symbol groupSymbol)
Void requestSortObjectsOnNextUpdate(Function sortFunction)
# Represents a graphical container for the game. All objects are rendered here.
class Canvas {
Canvas(String canvasId, [String fillcolor = "white"])
Playground playground
Float width
Float height
String fillcolor
Void expandToParent()
Void setWidth(Float width)
Void setHeight(Float height)
Void setScale(Float scaleX, Float scaleY)
Void setTranslation(Float translateX, Float translateY)
String getHexColor(Float x, Float y)
Void clear()
Void fill(String color)
# Timer object. Calls the callback function every <interval> millisecond.
# Expects to be started after creation and updated.
class Timer {
Timer(Float interval, [Function callback(canvas)])
Float interval
Function callback
Boolean active
Void stopTimer()
This startTimer()
# Each object that extends ObjectWidthHashCode will have its own hashCode.
class ObjectWidthHashCode {
String hashCode
# Abstract class representing a shape.
# Provide functions `intersects(shapeT)` and `contains(shapeT)` that tell
# whether the shape `<this>` intersects or contains the shape `<shapeT>`.
abstract class Shape extends ObjectWidthHashCode {
Boolean intersects(Shape shape)
Boolean contains(Shape shape)
# Circle shape.
# Represented by 2D coordinates and radius.
class Circle extends Shape {
Circle(Float x, Float y, Float radius, [String fillcolor="black",
Float linewidth=0, String linecolor="black"])
Float x
Float y
Float radius
String fillcolor
Float linewidth
String linecolor
Void setFillcolor(String fillcolor)
Float getCenterX()
Float getCenterY()
Void setCenterX(Float x)
Void setCenterY(Float y)
Void render(Canvas canvas)
# Rectangle shape.
# Represented by 2D coordinates, width and height.
class Rectangle extends Shape {
Rectangle(Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height,
[String fillcolor="black", Float linewidth=0, String linecolor="black"])
Float x
Float y
Float height
Float width
String fillcolor
Float linewidth
String linecolor
Void setFillcolor(String fillcolor)
Float getCenterX()
Float getCenterY()
Void setCenterX(Float x)
Void setCenterY(Float y)
Void setWidth(Float width)
Void setHeight(Float height)
Void render(Canvas canvas)
# Object for displaying an image from a URL on the canvas.
class Picture extends ObjectWidthHashCode {
Picture(Float x, Float y, String src)
Float x
Float y
String src
Image picture
Boolean stretch
Boolean loaded
Float getHexColor(x, y)
Void render(canvas)
# Object for working with animation in spritesheet format.
# The callback function will be called at the end of each animation cycle.
class SpriteAnimation extends ObjectWidthHashCode {
SpriteAnimation(Float x, Float y, String src, Float startX, Float startY,
Float partWidth, Float partHeight, Float partsCount, Float offsetX,
Float offsetY, [Float frameTime=250, Boolean flipped=false])
Float x
Float y
String src
Float startX
Float startY
Float partWidth
Float partHeight
Float partsCount
Float offsetX
Float offsetY
Float frameTime
Boolean flipped
Float currentPart
Function callback
Void resetSequence()
Void setCallback(Function callback)
Void render(Canvas canvas)
# Object for drawing a part of an image or spritesheet on the canvas.
class SpriteStatic extends ObjectWidthHashCode {
SpriteStatic(Float x, Float y, String src, Float startX, Float startY,
Float partWidth, Float partHeight, [Boolean flipped=false])
Float x
Float y
String src
Float startX
Float startY
Float partWidth
Float partHeight
Boolean flipped
Void render(Canvas canvas)
# Static text. This object is expected to change very rarely or not at all.
# Fast rendering, property changes redraw the pre-rendered object.
class StaticText extends ObjectWidthHashCode {
StaticText(Float x, Float y, String text, [String font="16px Arial",
String fillcolor="black", Float linewidth=5, Float linecolor="black"])
Float x
Float y
String text
String font
String fillcolor
Float linewidth
String linecolor
Float width
Float height
Void setText(String text)
Void setFont(String font)
Void setCenterX(Float x)
Void setCenterY(Float y)
Void render(Canvas canvas)
# Dynamic text.
# Fast property changes, slower rendering than StaticText.
class Text extends ObjectWidthHashCode {
Text(Float x, Float y, String text, [String font="16px Arial",
String fillcolor="black", Float linewidth=5, Float linecolor="black"])
Float x
Float y
String text
String font
String fillcolor
Float linewidth
String linecolor
Float width
Float height
Void setText(String text)
Void setFont(String font)
Void setFillColor(String fillcolor)
Void setCenterX(Float x)
Void setCenterY(Float y)
Void render(Canvas canvas)
# Used to work with user inputs such as mouse and keyboard.
# Provides an array of keystrokes and mouse button presses at each frame.
# It also provides the mouse position [x, y] on the canvas element.
class InputManager {
InputManager(Playground playground)
Float mouseX
Float mouseY
Playground playground
Boolean keyDown(String keyCode)
Boolean keyPressed(String keyCode)
Boolean mouseDown(String keyCode)
Boolean mousePressed(String keyCode)