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CA handler for Entrust ECS Enterprise
This handler can be used to enroll certificates from Entrust ECS Enterprise API.
- you'll need:
- Username and Password for HTTP-BASIC authentication
- if configured - a client certificate for mutual TLS authentication towards the Entrust RESt API
- an pre-validated Organization name
- modify the server configuration (
) and add the first thre of the below mentioned parameters
handler_file: examples/ca_handler/entrust_ca_handler.py
username: <Username>
password: <Password>
certtype: <certificate type>
organization_name: <organization name>
client_cert: <client file>
cert_passphrase: <pkcs#12 passphrase>
cert_validity_days: <certificate validity>
allowed_domainlist: <allowed_domainlist>
request_timeout: <seconds>
eab_profiling: <True|False>
- username - required - username access the API
- password - required - password to access the PI
- organization_name - required - Organization name as specified in DigiCert CertCentral
- client_cert - optional - client certificate to access the API (to be stored in either pem or pkcs#12 format)
- client_key - optional - client private key to access the API (must be stored in pem format)
- client_passphrase - passphrase to access the client_cert (if stored in pkcs#2 format)
- cert_type - optional - certificate type to be isused. (default: STANDARD_SSL)
- cert_validity_days - certificate validity in days (default: 365)
- allowed_domainlist: list of domain-names allowed for enrollment in json format (example: ["bar.local$, bar.foo.local])
- request_timeout - optional - requests timeout in seconds for requests (default: 5s)
- eab_profiling - optional - activate eab profiling (default: False)
Use your favorite acme client for certificate enrollment. A list of clients used in our regression can be found in the disclaimer section of our README file
The handler makes use of the header_info_list feature allowing an acme-client to specify a certificate type to be used during certificate enrollment. This feature is disabled by default and must be activate in acme_srv.cfg
as shown below
header_info_list: ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]
The acme-client can then specify the cert_type as part of its user-agent string.
Example for acme.sh:
docker exec -i acme-sh acme.sh --server http://<acme-srv> --issue -d <fqdn> --standalone --useragent cert_type=ADVANTAGE_SSL --debug 3 --output-insecure
Example for lego:
docker run -i -v $PWD/lego:/.lego/ --rm --name lego goacme/lego -s http://<acme-srv> -a --email "[email protected]" --user-agent cert_type=ADVANTAGE_SSL -d <fqdn> --http run
This handler can use the eab profiling feture to allow individual enrollment configuration per acme-account as well as restriction of CN and SANs to be submitted within the CSR. The feature is disabled by default and must be activated in acme_srv.cfg
eab_handler_file: examples/eab_handler/kid_profile_handler.py
key_file: <profile_file>
eab_profiling: True
below an example key-file used during regression testing:
"keyid_00": {
"hmac": "V2VfbmVlZF9hbm90aGVyX3ZlcnkfX2xvbmdfaG1hY190b19jaGVja19lYWJfZm9yX2tleWlkXzAwX2FzX2xlZ29fZW5mb3JjZXNfYW5faG1hY19sb25nZXJfdGhhbl8yNTZfYml0cw",
"cahandler": {
"allowed_domainlist": ["www.example.com", "www.example.org", "*.acme"],
"organization_name": "acme2certifier"
"keyid_01": {
"hmac": "YW5vdXRoZXJfdmVyeV9sb25nX2htYWNfZm9yX2tleWlkXzAxX3doaWNoIHdpbGxfYmUgdXNlZF9kdXJpbmcgcmVncmVzc2lvbg",
"cahandler": {
"allowed_domainlist": ["www.example.com", "www.example.org", "*.acme"],
"cert_type": "ADVANTAGE_SSL"
"keyid_02": {
"hmac": "dGhpc19pc19hX3ZlcnlfbG9uZ19obWFjX3RvX21ha2Vfc3VyZV90aGF0X2l0c19tb3JlX3RoYW5fMjU2X2JpdHM",
"cahandler": {
"allowed_domainlist": ["www.example.com", "www.example.org"]
"keyid_03": {
"hmac": "YW5kX2ZpbmFsbHlfdGhlX2xhc3RfaG1hY19rZXlfd2hpY2hfaXNfbG9uZ2VyX3RoYW5fMjU2X2JpdHNfYW5kX3Nob3VsZF93b3Jr"