A scraped, basic-starter, mashup theme which is based on a combination of the HTML5 Boilerplate theme and the Twentyfourteen theme. With some extra functionality and CSS declarations.
This is just a thing I created to make my startup phase of creating a new WP site more efficient.
Except for writing template code; screenshot.png, favicon, apple-touch-icons and apple startup screens are needed.
Please note that vanilla CSS fiels might be slightly out of date since I usually do everything with SCSS. Stay tuned for a better CSS and SCSS boilerplate.
- Include an "includes" folder in theme with a good ACF flexible fields boilerplate with nicely structured common fields in subfolder(s)
- Also: /acf-json/
- Rewrite SCSS-files and separate into smaller parts for better view and maintenance.
- Include a plugins folder with a starter plugin for CPT and maybe an extension plugin for Beaver Builder modules (if there's a reason for that)