0.2.0 (2019-05-24)
Bug Fixes
store: fix overflow toggle (b380946 )
add null validation if case (0ebe5ab )
home: fix parse openNow (e0c1dca )
menu: update items menu (9cbdbad )
store: fix getMatrix (5b6c0ad )
store: fix prop validation openNow (73e38fe )
activa enlace inicio (6f1e616 )
actualiza home y llamada stores (0f67802 )
actualiza iconos app (6e53512 )
actualiza imagenes (3a7db74 )
add general margin and fix bg image (33a0d86 )
add padding on lg viewport (7c29aec )
add router link to about page (3bb78a3 )
adjust fullscreen map size (ab7b2ea )
agrega estado header (41db179 )
agrega nuevo estado menu (1652177 )
agrega nuevo prop button (b59f7c6 )
ajuste estilo menu (3043c2d )
ajustes estilo loading (38787dd )
ajustes estilo y layout (b2c698d )
ajustes iconos status (8c14f98 )
ajustes mapa (fb44325 )
ajustes mapa fullscreen (8e70b6c )
clean unused styles (816900e )
fix container size (cd2f9df )
improve refresh private function (78c078f )
store: fix getMatrix function (9cb119d )
add validation prop distance (3f1faf2 )
ajustes menores estilo (9387023 )
algunas mejoras menores (3dc8c16 )
corrige string distancia (5dc8378 )
improve iamge size on lg viewport (661a2a5 )
manifest theme app colors (33adb09 )
mejora router-view y ux (c36a4e5 )
mejora scroll y nueva ruta (9496073 )
mejoras animacion y logica splash (a6b84e0 )
mejoras mapa bar (6a9a1f8 )
mejoras transicion inicial home (bc5acff )
mejoras ux (930f455 )
meta bar style (143a12b )
update findOne query (eda3629 )
update query findByProximity and types (089fb2c )
icons: actualiza assets (dfd585e )
icons: actualiza nuevos iconos (2ea8bd2 )
merge: fix rename query in previous merge (c14ee29 )
store: mejora componente store (a512b9b )
user: mejora estados servicio usuario (a9ae5b2 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.