All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- After update to v4.0.0 MQTT config settings need to be updated
- added Power Control mode for buttons, closes #76
- bump dependencies
- redme update
- cleanup
- stability and improvements
- fix HAP-NodeJS WARNING: The accessory has an invalid 'Name' characteristic 'configuredName'
- Please use only alphanumeric, space, and apostrophe characters
- Ensure it starts and ends with an alphabetic or numeric character, and avoid emojis
- functions reorder
- added 1 default channel if no channels was created or 0 found to allow publisch accessory
- prevent publish accessory if required data not found
- cleanup
- added possibility to disable/enable log success, info, warn, error
- refactor cnnect code
- bump dependencies
- config schema updated
- redme updated
- cleanup
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- move from commonJS to esm module
- moved constants.json to constants.js
- cleanup
- fix correct catch error
- fix mqtt enable
- hide passwords by typing and display in Config UI
- remove return duplicate promises from whole code
- performance improvements and stability
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- added possiblity to set own volume control name and enable/disable prefix
- config schema updated
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- added support to subscribe MQTT and control device
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added possibility to disable prefix name for buttons and sensors
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added possibility to select display channels order, possible by
,Alphabetically Name
,Alphabetically Reference
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- added possibility load channels by bouquets array direct from device
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- added possibility load channels by bouquet direct from device
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- added Play/Pause functionality in RC
- added Record to selection list for I button in RC
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- standarize function of display type and volume control, now volume control -1 None/Disabled, 0 Slider, 1 Fan, please see in readme
- config.schema updated
- fix expose extra input tile in homekit app
- other small fixes and improvements
- cleanup
- added #60
- config.schema updated
- removed duplicated display type sensors from inputs section
- config.schema updated
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- removed switch properties from input section
- added None and Contact Sensor options for displayType in the input section
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- added Channel Motion Sensor for use with automations (every channel change report motion)
- config.schema updated
- fix save target visibility
- fix save custom names
- bump dependencies
- fix buttons and switch services
- bump dependencies
- added Power Motion Sensor for use with automations
- added Volume Motion Sensor for use with automations (every volume change report motion)
- added Mute Motion Sensor for use with automations
- config.schema updated
- other small fixes
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- fix publish mqtt
- cleanup
- refactor information service
- refactor buttons service
- refactor send debug and info log
- refactor send mqtt message
- update dependencies
- fixed MQTT info report
- prepare accessory process to prevent create accessory with wrong UUID
- in config.schema.json MQTT section
- MQTT Debug
- possibility to set custom command for Info button in RC, #57
- refactor check state and connect process
- MQTT Client, publish all device data
- update dependencies
- code refactor
- code cleanup
- stability and performance improvements
- wording corrections in debug log
- code refactor
- prevent create inputs switch services if count <= 0
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- ability to use channels with automations, shortcuts in HomeKit app
- ability to choice type of channels in automations (button, switch, motion sensor, occupancy sensor)
- code cleanup
- update config.schema
- services calculation count
- ability to disable log device info by every connections device to the network (Advanced Section)
- power state report if device is disconnected from network
- log Receiver Disconnected if plugin restart and Receiver not on network
- reduce logging if receiver for some reason lose the connection
- moved info and state error to debug
- prevent load plugin if host or port not set
- prepare directory and files synchronously
- update node minimum requirements
- Selectable display type of buttons in HomeKit app
- remove branding fom config, not nedded anymore
- code cleanup
- config.schema update
- added full remote control to button section
- use event emmiter for state changes
- added debug mode
- removed refresh interval
- code cleanup
- bump dependencies
- config.schema update
- code cleanup
- stability improvements
- performance improvements
- bump dependencies
- bump dependencies
- bump dependencies
- inputs list updatd
- code refactoring
- many small changes and stability improvements
- added possibility to create separate buttons for channels
- code rebuild, use Characteristic.onSet, Characteristic.onGet
- require Homebridge 1.3.x or above
- added possibility disable log info, options available in config
- some improvements and fixes
- bump dependiencies
- fixed slow response on RC control
- added possibility to set custom data refresh inteval
- added await/async function
- added async/await function to read deviceInfo and updateStatus
- completely reconfigured layout of config schema
- performance improvements
- other small fixes
- donate option on plugin gui
- some cleanup
-release version.
- added possibility to select what a type of extra volume control You want to use (None, Slider, Fan).
- added mute ON/OFF to the slider volume
- fixed bug in RC control
- fixed switch input if start with scene or automation
- added descriptions in config.schema.json
- prevent plugin from crash if no inputs are defined, now display in the list 'No channels configured'
- code cleanup
- changed 'request' with 'axios'
- adapted to HAP-Node JS lib
- code cleanup and unification
- please update Your config.json (replace 'bouquets' with 'inputs')
- fixes and performance inprovements
- correted logging state
- fixes in realtime data read and write
- added realtime data read and write
- added switch ON/OFF volume control (please update config.json)
- add Siri volume control
- add Slider] - (Brightness) volume control
- different fixes.
- fixed store of positin in HomeKit fav.
- update
- update sample-config.json
- fixed store file inside the Homebridge directory
- fixes crasch if no name defined
- small fixes
- update config.schema.json
- some small fixes
- update
- corrections for homebridge git
- performance improvement
- removed checkStateInterval from Config
- some small fixes
- fixed crasch during saved changed channel name
- log corrections
- performance improvements
- some small fixes
- code cleanup
- switch channel usig scenes fixed
- some small changes
- fixed set channel using scenes
- some other fixes
- finally fixed all problems witch autocreate channels file
- some fixes, cpde cleanup
- fixed check state interval crash
- changes in logging
- changes in readme
- code cleanup
- many changes in logging
- code cleanup
- small fixes
- all moved to the platform and publisch as externall accessory
- please update Yours config!!!
- some fixes and improwements
- some crash fixes
- added Power Mode Selection
- removed possibility to disable speaker service
- some crash fixes
- save separate bouquets file for multiinstance
- fix read channels if authorization was disabled
- added automatically reads 97 channels from receiver and add them to the channel list if bouquets in config are not configured.
- some other fixes
- please update Yours config
- added option to use authentication for OpenWebIf
- code cleanup
- fixed crash if switch channel
- fixed current channel identification
- some small changes
- fixed read current reference of channels
- changed config bouquets, please update Your config
- fixed channel list present if tuner is off or channel not in bouquets
- some small fixes
- code cleanup
- some optimisation of display and working with channels list
- removed bouquetsDir from config
- schow channels list if receiver is off.
- save bouquets to the file and load it as channel list if no bouquets added in config, if Your bouquets contain more as 100 channels HomeKit will no response(HomeKit limitation)
- some small fixes
-Update README
- All code moved to index.js
- Preparation move plugin to platform Accessory
- Preparation register plugin as external Accesory
- added possibility to disable speakerService
- some fixes
- Code cleanup
- Fix generate bouquets
- Fix mute ON/OFF
- Code cleanup
- Code cleanup
- Read and shows channel if receiver is off.
- Code cleanup
- Code cleanup
- Adapted to working wit JSON using api OpenWebIf.
- Fixed channels list display if receiver is OFF.
- Publish to npm