provisions cardano with help of two ansiblez/scripts:
testnet magic: 42
a CONSIDERABLY lighter version of the blockchain that is local to your container, gets bootstraped in <2min and comes with a funded address
# 3rd Pioneer's cohort week 3 code given as an example
git clone
git clone [email protected]:grzegorznowak/lxd-pab.git lxd-pab
cd lxd-pab
# build cardano-node and PAB against the lesson's commit
PAB_COMMIT=4edc082309c882736e9dec0132a3c936fe63b4ea ./
# map the parent folder onto the container (a default you might need to tweak):
lxc config device add pab workspace disk source=$(pwd)/../ path=/home/nix/code
lxc exec pab -- sudo --login --user nix # start interacting with the container as the nix user
cd ~/pab # enter the PAB repo
nix-shell # bootstrap the nix-shell
cd ~/code/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week03/ # go to the sources
cabal update # update cabal
cabal build # build
cabal repl # bootstrap into REPL
# Confirm cardano-cli works for the nix user:
cardano-cli --help # asses it generally works
# devnet's lifecycle is managed by the cardano-node service:
service cardano-node status # show logs and the current progress of the sync
journalctl -u cardano-node # the same as above but more
tail -f -n50 /home/nix/cardano_devnet/logs/privatenet.log # even more things debug :)
sudo service cardano-node stop # kill the devnet
sudo service cardano-node start # start the devnet in a pristine state
# comes with a genesis utxo that you can consume :
cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat /home/nix/cardano_devnet/private-testnet/addresses/user1.addr) --testnet-magic 42
# as well as with some payment addresses to send the genesis utxo to for further development:
ls ~/addresses
# and helper script to get you started with sending lovelace across dev network's addresses
# ie (send some ada from user1 address to pab1 address):
send $(cat /home/nix/cardano_devnet/private-testnet/addresses/user1.addr) \
/home/nix/cardano_devnet/private-testnet/addresses/user1.skey \
$(cat ~/addresses/pab1/payment.addr) 60000000
cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat /home/nix/cardano_devnet/private-testnet/addresses/user1.addr) --testnet-magic 42
cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat ~/addresses/pab1/payment.addr) --testnet-magic 42
# for details please refer to the original manual from woofpool:
# running send in DRY_MODE to just calculating intput utxos and sign commands for manual tweaks,
# like adjusting for plutus contract etc.
CARDANO_DRY_MODE=1 send $(cat /home/nix/cardano_devnet/private-testnet/addresses/user1.addr) \
/home/nix/cardano_devnet/private-testnet/addresses/user1.skey \
$(cat ~/addresses/pab1/payment.addr) 60000000
testnet magic: 1097911063
use it for almost production-like experience
# 3rd Pioneer's cohort week 3 code given as an example
git clone
git clone [email protected]:grzegorznowak/lxd-pab.git lxd-pab
cd lxd-pab
# build cardano-node and PAB against the lesson's commit
PAB_COMMIT=4edc082309c882736e9dec0132a3c936fe63b4ea ./
# BEWARE: syncing the full testnet is a long-haul process that will take
# MANY HOURS to complete. Converge process will wait until it's done,
# so best to just let it run.
# map the parent folder onto the container (a default you might need to tweak):
lxc config device add pab workspace disk source=$(pwd)/../ path=/home/nix/code
lxc exec pab -- sudo --login --user nix # start interacting with the container as the nix user
cd ~/pab # enter the PAB repo
nix-shell # bootstrap the nix-shell
cd ~/code/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week03/ # go to the sources
cabal update # update cabal
cabal build # build
cabal repl # bootstrap into REPL
# Confirm cardano-cli works for the nix user:
cardano-cli --help # asses it generally works
# FOLLOWING commands will work only with cardno node fully synced:
# list the available utxos for the primary payment address
CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=~/cardano_node/db/node.socket cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat ~/wallets/pab/payment.addr) --testnet-magic 1097911063
# With the testnet you start with one payment address added already, so make sure to top it up
# using test faucet, then create additional addresses to send some ADA to using cardano-cli
Should work on any system that supports LXC/LXD containers
do this only if you haven't yet bootstrapped any of lxd
sudo snap install lxd
sudo lxd init --auto --storage-backend=dir
Other converge dependencies will be installed with the run of the
See the QuickStart
section above
At this point you should have the virtualenv and dependencies installed so just bootstrap to it and roll with molecule directly
source provisioningenv/bin/activate
# converge against the default PAB commit
molecule converge -s lxd-pab
# == OR ==
# converge against the specific commit
# 3rd Pioneer's cohort week 3 commit given as an example:
PAB_COMMIT=4edc082309c882736e9dec0132a3c936fe63b4ea molecule converge -s lxd-pab
It's usually easy enough to destroy the container and converge it a new if something craps out.
source provisioningenv/bin/activate
molecule destroy -s lxd-pab
Afterwards follow the Quickstart
guide a new
lxc list
it should be named pab
on that list
At this point you have the PAB toolset installed inside the LXD container
as the nix
lxc exec pab -- sudo --login --user nix
sources from IOHK are checked out into ~/pab
lxc config device add pab workspace disk source=[your workspace's path] path=/home/nix/code
You can map either a containing folder with all your (Plutus) projects, or a specific project.
I suggest the former as it will make the whole setup so much more dynamic.
Then access it as nix
user from that path given in the command itself: /home/nix/code
Once you have your projects mapped interacting with the PAB
is a matter of logging onto the container as the nix user
and executing commands as you would normally do, according to tutorials or to Plutus Programme
lxc exec pab -- sudo --login --user nix # start interacting with the container as the nix user
cd pab # enter the pab repo
nix-shell # bootstrap the nix-shell
cd ../code # now you're in the main folder with your projects
# and can follow along the training material
A top-up example assuming the pioneer's repo is already there in the projects' list
lxc exec pab -- sudo --login --user nix # start interacting with the container as the nix user
cd pab # enter the pab repo
nix-shell # bootstrap the nix-shell
cd ~/code/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week01/ # 3rd cohort week 1 codes
cabal update # update cabal
cabal build # build
This section is a work in progress as I go through the Plutus Pioneer's course.
If not done yet, PAB has to be converged with either:
- the default PAB_COMMIT with:
- the specific PAB_COMMIT with:
PAB_COMMIT=4edc082309c882736e9dec0132a3c936fe63b4ea molecule converge -s lxd-pab
- the default PAB_COMMIT with:
Start the server
Let the server script complete
In a separate terminal start the client
Get the ip of the container running the playground:
PAB_IP=$(lxc list | grep pab | awk '{print $6}')
- the playground will be available from your browser under
# Get the public ip of the container
lxc list | grep pab | awk '{print $6}' # show the PAB container's IP
./ # Start the haddock server
documentation will be available from your browser under http://[PAB_IP]:8002/haddock