This repository contains a one-stop Terraform module that creates a single node OpenVPN Server in a dedicated AWS VPC and subnet. The OpenVPN server is configured to be readily accessible by the users supplied in the Terraform input file. The same Terraform input file can be used to subsequently update the list of authorised users.
The master branch in this repository is compliant with Terraform v0.12.
Before you can use the Terraform module in this repository out of the box, you need
- an AWS account
- a Terraform CLI
- a list of users to provision with OpenVPN access
Moreover, you probably had enough of people snooping on you and want some privacy back or just prefer to have a long lived static IP.
The ec2 flavor that is being used by default is the t3.micro which is eligible for the free tier of AWS. You will be assigned an IP according to the region you will specify below. e.g. If you choose eu-west-2 you will get a UK ip.
You can see here all the available regions. -r <region> -c <aws_credentials_file> -p <profile> -u <ovpn_users>
usage: -r us-east-1 -c ~/.aws/credentials -p default -u userOne,userTwo
-r : REGION: aws region, e.g. aws-east-1
-c : AWS_CREDENTIALS: aws credentials, usually under ~/.aws/credentials
-p : AWS_PROFILE: aws profile, specify your aws profile to use
-u : OVPN_USER_PROFILES: comma seperated list of ovpn user settings to crate, e.g. userOne,userTwo
The OpenVPN configuration file can be found under the following directory:
You can either import it using the CLI
sudo openvpn --config generated/ovpn-config/userOne.ovpn
Or just double click the .ovpn file using your window manager to import it...
The installation always use the latest Amazon_Linux_2 AMI, it does not make use of the AWS Marketplace OpenVPN AMI. That means that the only cost incurred is that from using common AWS resources.
Comprehensive setup instructions can be found in the following section Setup
Thanks for providing the initial repo. This repo is a fork.
This repository relies on the great Bash script from to do the OpenVPN plumbing under the bonnet. Keep up the good work, Stanislas Lange, aka angristan!