Android app to execute speech recognition command on the open source robot Finch.
get familiar with the finch [DONE]
- try various commands, make it move, look at the api [DONE]
look for Natural Language Processing (NLP) APIs, algorithms [DONE]
- choose one for project [DONE Nuance API]
- look into google speech recognition API [DONE - Nuance API]
test NLP API from step 2 with various commands [DONE]
- make sure it recognizes "advance", "forward", "turn", , etc. [DONE]
make basic Android app to establish bluetooth connection and send simple strings [DONE]
establish bluetooth connection with Android app [DONE]
- make sure server receives strings and can process them [DONE]
incorporate voice recognition on Android app [DONE]
- send results to server
define basic movement commands to be recognized by the flinch [DONE - MOVE, TURN, SAY]
- connect API with the Finch [DONE]
Connect the server to the Finch robot. Upload server on RPI
- set up RPI with bluetooth and java server
- make sure commands are executed by the Finch
3d print rpi case on top of the flinch with usb battery