A differentiable implementation of the Truncated Gaussian (Normal) distribution using Python and Pytorch, which is numerically stable even when the μ parameter lies outside the interval [a,b] given by the bounds of the distribution. In this situation, a naive evaluation of the mean, variance and log-probability of the distribution could otherwise result in catastrophic cancellation. Our code is inspired by TruncatedNormal.jl and torch_truncnorm. Currently, we only provide numerically-stable methods for calculating the mean, variance, log-probability and KL-divergence. We provide numerically-unstable methods for calculating icdf and sampling from the distribution.
Simply install with pip
pip install stable-trunc-gaussian
Run the following code in Python:
from stable_trunc_gaussian import TruncatedGaussian as TG
from torch import tensor as t
# Create a Truncated Gaussian with mu=0, sigma=1, a=10, b=11
# Notice how mu is outside the interval [a,b]
dist = TG(t(0),t(1),t(10),t(11))
print("Mean:", dist.mean)
print("Variance:", dist.variance)
print("Log-prob(10.5):", dist.log_prob(t(10.5)))
Mean: tensor(10.0981)
Variance: tensor(0.0094)
Log-prob(10.5): tensor(-2.8126)
The class obtained by doing from stable_trunc_gaussian import TruncatedGaussian
corresponds to a parallel implementation of the truncated gaussian, which makes possible to obtain several values (mean, variance and log-probs) in parallel. In case you are only interested in computing values sequentially, i.e., one at a time, we also provide a sequential implementation which results more efficient only for this case. In order to use this sequential implementation, simply do from stable_trunc_gaussian import SeqTruncatedGaussian
. Here is an example:
from stable_trunc_gaussian import TruncatedGaussian, SeqTruncatedGaussian
from torch import tensor as t
# Parallel computation
means = TruncatedGaussian(t([0,0.5]),t(1,1),t(-1,2),t(1,5)).mean
# Sequential computation
# Note: the 'TruncatedGaussian' class can also be used for this sequential case
mean_0 = SeqTruncatedGaussian(t([0]),t(1),t(-1),t(1)).mean
mean_1 = SeqTruncatedGaussian(t([0.5]),t(1),t(2),t(5)).mean
We want to thank users KFrank and ptrblck for their help in solving the bug when computing the gradients for the parallel version (bug solved in version 1.1.1).