Super light-weight linux-cli tool to upload images to the Imgbb free images storage in less than 2 seconds!
- Maximum Size of image:
- Maximum images p/hour:
This also works on windows, i didn't test it, but i know the
that the go libraries does are the same in windows, so you will have no issues at the moment of adding this binary in your terminal.
- You must set the
(as a local env) with your api key obtained from ImgBB Free API. Example:Once you do that, you're readyexport IMGBB_API_KEY=1234567thisIsAnInvalidKey
- There is an
file inside this repo, you cansudo bash
- Only move the binary in this repo to
. Example:# upload is the binary file name sudo cp <yourPathTo>/imbgg-uploader/upload /usr/local/bin/upload
- If you don't trust, you can check the code by your own and do a
go build -o "binaryName"
and then move that to your bin path.
upload exampleImage.png
upload ../../anotherImage.jpg
(the tool is relative to your current working directory)
"data": {
"thumb": {
"filename": "p.png",
"mime": "image/png",
"url": ""
"delete_url": ""
"success": true,
"status": 200,
"error": {}
- work with absolute path
- progress bar
- go routines